yeah you said I have problems to work out. You may be right. I have a quick question. I tripped before on some laced joint once and I thought the guy I was smoking with was talking shit saying he was stomp my head in. Though he really wasn't saying it. It seems like, Im always sizeing people up and thinking what to do if I was to fight them. I tend to do it a lot. Not all the time but a lot. This is natural behavior that's instinctual though right? if not then ...Im wondering why it is I think like that. Im pretty sure that caused the bad trip that once.
Sounds to me like pcp. Did time slow down at first? thats usually pcp.
As for dmt Id go for it. Just be calm and make sure youre somewhere that you like. Its hard to hurt yourself on dmt, because, unlike other drugs, its such a rush you can barely stand and will probably fall on your ass if you tried hitting a decent amount.
If you do ever find some start off small. If you get a point (.1) then split that into 1/4s or smaller and do small slow hits so you get a sense of how it comes on.
This will also increase your tolerance very fast so if you take one hit, wait about 15-20 minutes and take another each one you should be able to hold deeper and longer but get the same effect. give or take.
DMT is one of those things that usually will spark someone onto a road to psychedelics because people are less afraid of it because its "natural"
Some of the smarter people i know who, back in the day even refused that theyd ever smoke weed, tried dmt and it opened a world for them of psychedelic adventure.
Also if you come across any hallucinogens and wish to take them then also grab some klonopin, xanax, adivan, etc...
It will make you alot more calm and hellp you out of a bad spot if you get into one of those. They are not recommended to take before dmt though because they could have adverse effects (dont know for a fact but most people who are prescribed anything stop taking them for a day or 2 before they do dmt)
It mostly has to do with MAOIs and other inhibitors/enablers.
Good luck with your psychonautical adventures.