Do All Feminized Produce Seed Pods

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
Hey, I noticed what look to be seed pods on my buds from the recent growth. I always thought these were calyxes, but then i saw one barely cracked open and it's white inside. My plant is week 7 flowering. So I was curious and picked one of those that were cracked open and white inside with brown pistils emerging. It's hard like a seed definitely not bud. I squeeze it and it bursts out and looks like the inside of a young seed like a white nutrient taproot type appendage. Is this normal for Feminized Plants? What is it or what does it mean? Thanks, what I'm referring to is circled in the picture.2016-01-14 23.35.50.jpg
no, not all feminzed seeds will hermie and create seeds..
it really all depends on the parents of the strain, rather than the fact that they're fem'ed or regulars that more so determines if you'll get a hermie or not..
stable genetics is key, again, with fems or regular seeds.. if one or both of the parents happy to carry the hermie gene, the more likely it'll also show in the offspring..
I heard browning of select calyx's before they should because of general aging is a sign of pollination. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm doing a bit of searching for you, TJ.
You cirlced a bract, or calyx, in that pic. Seeds DO form in there, but only if that pistil was pollinated...

You don't have seeds forming if there wasn't any pollination.

Those calyxes, stacks and stacks of them, are what makes up the bud.
So if it's not been pollinated, will the seed pods still be hard and then it will just die off by harvest time? Or will I get seeds at harvest and they just will never sprout
So if it's not been pollinated, will the seed pods still be hard and then it will just die off by harvest time? Or will I get seeds at harvest and they just will never sprout

If it hasn't been pollinated then there's no way you can have seeds. Your calyx's are the seed pods. The way I understand it they shouldn't die at harvest time, but if they've been pollinated they will crack open to reveal a seed once the seed is mature.
Plants can self pollinate if theres been visable bananas. Or naners showing. My advice is to pull one off and razor blade it in half and take a picture. I would be guessing that its not polinated though. And even if it was id say run it out to full maturity and then harvest as you would normally.
Plants can self pollinate if theres been visable bananas. Or naners showing... id say run it out to full maturity and then harvest as you would normally.
I do plan to run it until ripe. And I can't see any nanners but the cracked open calyxes definitely has something hard in them, so I guess it could've self pollinated but it took me by surprise because I was under the impression that I was growing sinsemilla.
I do plan to run it until ripe. And I can't see any nanners but the cracked open calyxes definitely has something hard in them, so I guess it could've self pollinated but it took me by surprise because I was under the impression that I was growing sinsemilla.
Check the tips of all the buds. Theres little yellow "naners" that can pop out and self polinate the plant. Its a type of hermaphroditism. Its shocking but it happens. Seeded buds still have the same thc content as non seeded bud....well the parts without seeds. If there are seeds in the final product just pic them out. Id wait to pull them out until later, just incase they are just swollen calyxes;)
Thanks @Alienwidow I will look for that and I will leave the rest on the buds until harvest. Will the seeds be useful feminized seeds or should I throw them away, if they turn out to be seeds at harvest?
I noticed this weird thing on the stem near the dirt.
That's just a random growth node and they pop out from time to time. I've had little guys like that pop out of the bottoms of mainlined plants where the trimmed off growth nodes used to be. I'm 99.99% positive it's not going to do anything but sit there like that and be a tiny little larf bud. I got a lot of those on a small mother here recently when I chopped her down to a single node.