Do all people think on this level while stoned into other dimensions?

I made a post in the toke 'n talk and noticed I got no replies. So I'm wandering, do all people go up to that level of theoreticals and major physics breakthroughs?

This is something I wrote on my facebook profile while.... on heavy psychedelics and alot of weed.. yeah, this is the most amazing thing I've ever written!! here goes..

Tear in this, wear in that. For, what does a man do without his love from his grasp? Why has he stood in laser images, when being able to go faster than light itself? Has he transcended to the dimension of love, an "ideal" reality of obtaining love, by breaking the light itself? what does that leave behind, the darkness, the light, of or and, what? Neither. Equilibrium, of neither light, nor dark, but matter.a reality to all physical dimensions. The Eye sees. It watches all realities within' His hand. His hand has only a single Googleplex of universes to the 9th? This was Einstein's vision. How or what would happen if the speed of light was outran by mass? Perhaps this also explains evidence of God creating the universe. now.. I think there is order in all universes, and the ones that don't have order no longer exist because they become unstable.If we ever get past the speed of light, mass is created
but it makes you wander.. how can there be so many elements and compounds in which this mass is conveyed as?
certain combinations of mass form certain elements
then they all compact into one atom, that splits somehow and creates everything from the beginning to the end? When there is an energy that disturbs light and darkness, mass is created. All universes must begin within the Garden of Eden to support life, in which manner was presented by the first book of the Old Testament all the way up beyond now and tomorrow, to the seat of judgment.. On a bridge to Zion. And I have found the Garden of Eden... it is a dimension in itself!! All of our known dimensions are created from this!
Tell me your thoughts on such a subject... It blows my mind every time I read it. I literally just created the universe.
Honestly, both of the other world and the world of us stoners unite.. Tell me your opinion on this. Is it nobel peace prize material?
I have had pretty damn similar nights and days lmao. I figured out life and the perfect political structure this one time, but never wrote it down and forgot about it the next day. I remembered it in a dream I had a while after, but forgot it again. Every time I remember it, when I go to write it down I forget it. You can think of amazing things when on psychadelics. The man who discovered DNA discovered it accidentally when on acid.
yeah I heard, and Einstein probably had an occasional toke or two, as well as several presidents and what not.. its beautiful and the government simply knows it but has to take the ideas from us