" Yes, blind people do dream. What they see in their dreams depends on how much they could ever see. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams. If someone such as I, has had a measure of sight, then that person dreams with that measure of sight. I still dream as though I can see, colors included. For people I've met since, their faces are just blurs or how I imagine they look. To me, someone like my mother looks forever 30.
So i guess i was on the right track
Awesome question!When blind people sleep can they see stuff in their dreams, even though they have never seen anything with their eyes?
It's that fax machine sound. cnAwesome question!
I've always wondered what language deaf people think in.
I remember some dreams from a very early age in which my mind substituted random shapes for things I didn't know how they looked. Have you ever had that experience at the edge of sleep where words take on different meanings? A blind person could perhaps dream of a pink circle, but legitimately say "I dreamt of a horse." Just blue-skying here ... cnI guess the question I would have is if a blind person never saw anything how would there brain know what stuff looks like to dream it?
Edit....even with imagination April would it all be in black in white since they've never seen colors? Damn I'm super interested now. I need to meet a blind from birth person and ask some questions.