do christmas trees carry pests?


Active Member
usually i try not to bring other plants into my house so i was just curious. Seems like there'd be a lot of reasons why they wouldn't create pest problems but i dont know for sure. so does anybody know if they carry pests or have had infestation because of them?



Well-Known Member
yes, you can get pests from christmas trees. you are bringing in a natural plant that has been growing in the ground out in a field, in nature. It will have pests even though pesticides were probably used.


Well-Known Member
really it varies, see I should have said that before... I live in Alaska, there are no pests alive on ANY trees here right now.

if you live somewhere where it doesn't get below freezing during the holidays then yeah there is a chance, sorry I tend to forget there are places out there that don't have totally bullshit winters.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you will be fine, any pest that eats pine needles will most likely be a pine "specialist" as we call them, basically evolving primarily to feed on pine and spruce. they obviously may carry other things as well but there is some comfort..
maybe a synthetic tree next year? lol