Do fertilizers/nutes have to be used?


Active Member
I know that using ferts/nutes will make for a bigger faster growing plant. But do you have to use them? Wouldn't the plant be fine like all the other plants in the forrest, or do weed plants suffer without fertz/nutes?



Well-Known Member
depend on your medium. in nature the plant has mother earth to nurture her. in a slab of rockwool it ain't happenin. H2o in and of itself.......i guess so but not sure of the end result.


Active Member
We dug holes 3x3x3 and filled them half up with pro-mix bx, and the other half with the existing forrest soil, then mixed them both together.

so these plants will be getting this.

- sun
- water
- forrest soil
- pro mix bx


Active Member
Its the same like,can you go without vitamins and minerals?yes you can,but at what cost.
Like last time I checked my plants,I saw they need some I`ll give them some basic plant food with N,P,K...because I love my plants


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you're asking because you don't plan to get to your plants very often, sort of a plant them and come back later to harvest, is that right? Hopefully they will be in a place they get enough sun and your climate gives them enough water. Maybe you're concerned about lugging water back and forth, which is very difficult. But it just sounds like you're hoping not to have to deal with it.

Are you intending to check them at all, even in mid August to check for males? How many plants are you talking about total?

If you are going to check them at all there might be an option to help them along. My experience in adding powder nutes to the top of the soil and letting rain wash it down was that we had a week of rain right after and it burned the plants to death- but it was chemical/synthetic plant food. Maybe if you are going to check your plants a few times during veg and you could even get a half gallon of water out there with a pretty concentrated organic veg mix you could wet the top soil and then let the rain carry it down as it comes. Then, during flower a couple of the same feedings with organic flower mix would help too. I'm just reading into why you might be asking. Carrying gallons of water to a site is very difficult and it might be one option to take a little bit of concen
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Active Member
The plants are a 2 hour drive away, so yes getting to them is a factor. They will still be checked on a few times, and won't just be forgotten about.

- At first I was thinking to add organic grow during veg, and to add organic bloom during flower. But then i'm taking a risk of adding to much and screwing something up, and then what if the ph in the soil goes to wack, and what about flushing what if i don't flush it right and the plants taste like crap.

Hauling water is not an issue.

It just seems like given my situation and being a first time grower avoiding the use of fertilizer would be the simplest.


Well-Known Member
Yar, I'm not giving my plant any nutes unless it absolutely needs it. I wanted to compare nute-powered and chemically enhanced growing to my more organic (read: lazy) method of growing. Sadly, when it sprouted, Seattle went through a ten-day cold spell, and stunted it (and all my other non-cannabis plants, too). It's bouncing back really well without any of my help, but I'm afraid it'll never be the glorious plant I was hoping it to be.

The only reason I'd be giving it anything is if it started to die or something. The dirt up here in the Seattle area is great for plants. It's full of volcanic and plant and all other kind of crap matter. Plants love love love it. (there's a forest out my back door, it's like Narnia, except the raccoons don't talk:cry:)


Well-Known Member
I edited this out of my previous post but look at the bottom of this link for Rainbow Mix grow and bloom. If you could mix some of this in the top couple inches of soil after they are a few weeks old maybe the rain would feed them for you. Someone with more experience might know if it's a good idea or not but it seems to make sense since this is organic and not as likely to burn.

Organic Nutrients

I would think you want to feed them a little if possible.


Well-Known Member
i think you will be fine man...mary has to survive alot in the forest anyways (heavy rains, wind, animals, bugs etc.) if those dont get to it i really wouldnt worry about the ph levels and such....with gas prices so high and being a two hour drive your prolly not going there all the time so what you have to do is feed water four about 4 weeks and after that you can use low doses of nutes if your worried about burnin it...hope this helps?