Do gavita clones work on a gavita master controller?


New Member
I'm doing some research into 1k watt DE complete fixtures.

I know Gavita is one of the best + it works for the El1 + El2 Master controller.

What makes a specific Ballast work with a master controller?

I found a Complete fixture from Grow Co. and it says controller compatible: EL1, El2, or Grow Co. master controller.

To anyone who has a Gavita E series and El1 or El2 is there a setting on the ballast for controller adjustment or do you just leave it at 600-1150?

Also how was the install? I have a sub panel with all my mains and a lil 120v killswitch plug my electrician rigged for me. Would this setup work?

On the EL2 it has outputs for ECM auxillary control of a humidity controller or Co2.
How does it control a Co2 tank without a ppm sniffer and humidity with out a hygrometer?
(Bonus for explaining how the alarm outputs work)

Before I found grow co.'s controller compatibles I was looking at hydro planet's Gemini's which have some really good complete 1k watt DE fixtures, what makes these not controller compatible? still can dim 600-1150?

Input is kindly appreciated. Thanks!