Do growers ever call 911? can they?


Well-Known Member
I was playing bass when one night my cousin comes in threatening to kill me at gunpoint, thats all im gonna say. he's strapped and isnt a gangster or anything just a psycho, as a grower am I too much at risk to call the police? I dont want to take things into my own hands i dont like violence, What do peoiple with a grow room do when they truly could go for dropping a dime?


Well-Known Member
Well, that is a very bad situation and it would be a choice of life or Actually you would probably get probation if its your first time being caught, but most of the time they take your plants and slap you on the wrist. What state are you in?

Your cousin is obviously jeolous, but maybe teaching him how to do it himself might help? Trying to go the non-violent way here.:mrgreen:

But, if your life in is danger, I would call. Just my humble opinions here.

I was playing bass when one night my cousin comes in threatening to kill me at gunpoint, thats all im gonna say. he's strapped and isnt a gangster or anything just a psycho, as a grower am I too much at risk to call the police? I dont want to take things into my own hands i dont like violence, What do peoiple with a grow room do when they truly could go for dropping a dime?


Well-Known Member
agreed, no point in takin a risk that costly. I'd rather get in some shit from the cops than get dead


Well-Known Member
I dunno the country where I am the cops dont care, Ill have a sit down with him, that's that. I don't think he's aware of the plants so I can also just get him arrested with no suspicion on me. At worst If I don't find a solution I'll get some protection, I have gun license and hunting experience with gun safety, I hope it doesn't get to that. But I know a bunch of a shit that incriminates him too, worse than growing, so this is what's sketchy is this guy doesn't give a fuck. He's worth enough attention from the police so they dont look into my house and stumble upon my plants.\

When in crisis, dont panic, then forget your emotions. Look at the situation from third person and decide what to do based on your mental re-enactments of that situation.

Whatever, atleast I have some stuff that gets me faded, I'm safe for tonight for sure.
Take it easy people and thanks!


Well-Known Member
If i were you mate i would move - and have fuck all else to do with him. Difficult if he is family i know, but if you get your own yard you can at least choose who visits you.

Personally i would tell him nothing about what you get up to, least of all your grow.


Well-Known Member
The best thing would be not to allow him on your property. You can get a restraining order then if he gets within so many feet of your property or ,yourelf when out in public. You then make a call 911 telling them he is breaking the restraint order and they pick him up no queastions asked.
Best thing would be is just explain that as you and he are not getting along,That you feel its best if you two no longer associate with each other and to NOT come to your home.


Active Member
Calling cops is extreme violence, you're just putting it off on someone else. What do you think the cops will do? No matter how cooperative the perp is, leo will kick his ass (imagine if he resists slightly).

One shouldn't grow unless he is in a very stable situation - cuz packing heat ain't stable.