Do i harvest my buds first thing in the morning or in the afternoon?


Well-Known Member
My buds are ready to be harvested right now according to all of the research i've done and this is also my second grow so i've already had one successful crop( i'm only growing one plant at a time). My question is should I go ahead and chop her down right now or is it better to harvest first thing in the morning? Help would definately be appreciated. I'm trying to continue learning and geting better at this. I spend hours at a time reading threads from this site.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Conventional wisdom says to harvest after a dark period before the lights come on.

A lot of people like to give their plants from 36 - 48 hours of dark before harvest.

As long as you harvest after a dark period, it doesn't matter if it's AM or PM in my opinion.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Conventional wisdom says to harvest after a dark period before the lights come on.

A lot of people like to give their plants from 36 - 48 hours of dark before harvest.

As long as you harvest after a dark period, it doesn't matter if it's AM or PM in my opinion.

Good luck.
I have heard the same thing, on the otherhand I have also heard that you should harvest during the peak sun of the day - that was for outdoor so I dont know if it applies indoor too.


Well-Known Member
Ty 4 the advice. I want it to be as good as possible. I'll wait till in the morning then b4 I chop her. Can you tell me why it's better to harvest after a dark period? Should I let it sit in the dark for longer than 12 hours b4 cutting her down?


Well-Known Member
I never cared much about time of day. I try to harvest when the soil/plant is dry or just before they need water again. Same thing.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Ty 4 the advice. I want it to be as good as possible. I'll wait till in the morning then b4 I chop her. Can you tell me why it's better to harvest after a dark period? Should I let it sit in the dark for longer than 12 hours b4 cutting her down?
The theory go something like this.

You want to harvest before the lights come on and start drawing up nutrients into the buds.

For better flavor of course.


Well-Known Member
If you do a good flush. You would have no nutes left. two weeks after the flush my fans are mostley gone or yellow. the two weeks after the flush eats up the rest of the nutes. The cure is where you'll make or brake the flavor.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
If you do a good flush and cure. You would have no nutes left. two weeks after the flush my fans are mostley gone or yellow. the two weeks after the flush eats up the rest of the nutes.
If you are growing in soil, there's no way to completely flush all the nutrients out.

This is meant for soil growers only.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know cause I would love to go cut it down right now but if it will make it better at all to let it sit in the dark for 24 hours first then that is surely the better decision to make, right?


Well-Known Member
It's so hard to be patient when you've already been waiting 3 months to get ur hands on those beautiful buds.


Well-Known Member
what does it matter...?
I did a grow without flushing. It didn't come out well. Now it could have been other things but have flushed since and not had a problem. Also I could be wrong but I think your trying to rid the plant of the N. In the late stage before harvest. I have more to say/ask on this topic but need to run. bbl. Sorry guess I got off topic.


Well-Known Member
I did a grow without flushing. It didn't come out well. Now it could have been other things but have flushed since and not had a problem. Also I could be wrong but I think your trying to rid the plant of the N. In the late stage before harvest. I have more to say/ask on this topic but need to run. bbl.
i wasnt talking about flushing.. I was talking about harvesting with or without 24 hours of dark... day / night

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I just wanna know cause I would love to go cut it down right now but if it will make it better at all to let it sit in the dark for 24 hours first then that is surely the better decision to make, right?
Harvest a few of the buds now and the rest after the dark period and tell us if there is any difference.

A partial harvest won't hurt anything.