do i have a hermie?

so my baby seems to be male... boo hoo.

however it seems to be sprouting white hairs also...
...on the tops.

see, at the lower nodes, i see pollen balls, but at the top of a few branches, where its farther along, i seem to see white pistils?

could this actually be a female?
is it possible a hermaphrodite?

i'll post some pictures soon, if that'll help

(more info:
single plant, bagseed, topped to reduce height
sent into flower early, first grow.)
:cuss:fuck it.:wall:
my camera doesn't have macro but on closer inspection, what i thought were pistils are just baby leaves that haven't turned green yet. it's a male.:sad:

but, fuck it, i wanna smoke it anyways.
too many bills to justify buying
and i'll be damned if the last few months get flushed.

i know all you hippies with 6 femmes and a legitamite grow op are shaking your heads, but i'm do it anyways.

my question to you:
should i continue to let it grow?
or chop it down now and dry it?

i have heard in the past that as soon as the males start producing pollen their thc content drops, but it was not from a reliable source.
i have also heard that smoking pollen can be bad for you. i personally don't see how smoking pollen can be any worse than smoking anything else, but i must admit i don't know. is it legitamitly bad for you, or does it just taste like shit?

also, people have talked about smoking the leaves.
they mean the leaves at the bud sites right?
sun/shade leaves won't get you high will they?:dunce:

also, i'm not so concerned about low thc, because i have never been spoiled on the name strains and i don't smoke that much these days anyways.

hash is out of the question. i simply don't have enough plant matter to make it worth my while.:wall:


Well-Known Member
You can try smoking him, but most males aren't that potent - you're liable to wind up with a headache rather than a buzz.
Can a male show pistils I am a week into the switch and pistils are popping like crazy but one plant shows swollen nodes and what looks like the small male preflowers
what looks like pistils can be tiny little leaves.
that's what fooled me

but then i've heard that baby flowers can look like pollen sacs too.
if there is more than one ball at a location then it's probably a male.