Do I have a mess, or not? Need help?

1st post, after reading a gazillion pages.
There is a wealth of knowlege here.

I have a Trinty Closet system, cost me $5,000.00 and after coming here I see you live and learn but.....

Problem #1. I can't clone. I have a humidity dome. I grow in Rockwool. I keep getting stem rot. I am thinking the problem is either the Rockwool is getting soaked or something. The edge of my dome where it meets the tray looks like it has been near something hot so is not tight fitting but I have no holes so I figured it would let some oxygen in.

I also have what is called a super cloner which is 6 inch net cups with a little hydroton rock in which I set my Rockwool. Under that is a tray of water with an aeration system. I put clones in them yesterday and they are all wilted. I misted them today and will see what happens tomorrow. The propogation tray has a heat mat, the supercloner doesn't. They are 3-4 inches away from a couple flourescents.

Problem 2. I invested the extra money for a Proycon led light for vegetation. It does not seem to grow the plants fast but has brought the heat down in the closet. With the 400 watt lamp it was about 85 degrees in there, now it is about 75 degrees.

Problem 3. The flowering chamber came with a 600 watt light with ballast and exhaust fans. The light went out. The company told me to priority mail it to them and they would send me back new. Currently I have the led in veg chamber 18/6 and 400 watt in flowering on 12/12. Anyone have any thoughts about the company if you know about them? If I am on my own, that's fine, just would like to know about their customer support.

Problem 4. I have 11 plants in flowering (about 5 days) I started some from seed (just plain old stuff, nothing great) and some kick ass from clone. (6 weak, 5 kick ass) The problem is the weak stuff is growing by leaps and bounds over the kickass, which was cloned. The weak stuff is twice the size of the kickass. This may change as I discover any males and discard them. (weak ones are 24 inches high, kickass are 12 inches high) Will the larger plants choke out the smaller ones? We are talking a difference of $2400.00 per lb vs $1400.00 lb. But if it takes the kickass that much longer to finish, then the money kind of evens out.

Thanks for your time, effort and expertise.


Well-Known Member
1st post, after reading a gazillion pages.
There is a wealth of knowlege here.

I have a Trinty Closet system, cost me $5,000.00 and after coming here I see you live and learn but.....

Problem #1. I can't clone. I have a humidity dome. I grow in Rockwool. I keep getting stem rot. I am thinking the problem is either the Rockwool is getting soaked or something. The edge of my dome where it meets the tray looks like it has been near something hot so is not tight fitting but I have no holes so I figured it would let some oxygen in.

I also have what is called a super cloner which is 6 inch net cups with a little hydroton rock in which I set my Rockwool. Under that is a tray of water with an aeration system. I put clones in them yesterday and they are all wilted. I misted them today and will see what happens tomorrow. The propogation tray has a heat mat, the supercloner doesn't. They are 3-4 inches away from a couple flourescents.

Problem 2. I invested the extra money for a Proycon led light for vegetation. It does not seem to grow the plants fast but has brought the heat down in the closet. With the 400 watt lamp it was about 85 degrees in there, now it is about 75 degrees.

Problem 3. The flowering chamber came with a 600 watt light with ballast and exhaust fans. The light went out. The company told me to priority mail it to them and they would send me back new. Currently I have the led in veg chamber 18/6 and 400 watt in flowering on 12/12. Anyone have any thoughts about the company if you know about them? If I am on my own, that's fine, just would like to know about their customer support.

Problem 4. I have 11 plants in flowering (about 5 days) I started some from seed (just plain old stuff, nothing great) and some kick ass from clone. (6 weak, 5 kick ass) The problem is the weak stuff is growing by leaps and bounds over the kickass, which was cloned. The weak stuff is twice the size of the kickass. This may change as I discover any males and discard them. (weak ones are 24 inches high, kickass are 12 inches high) Will the larger plants choke out the smaller ones? We are talking a difference of $2400.00 per lb vs $1400.00 lb. But if it takes the kickass that much longer to finish, then the money kind of evens out.

Thanks for your time, effort and expertise.

sounds like your right about the too moist and not enough O2 on th clones also your lights are too close clones want indirect (shaded) light

ok to experiment with LED's for sure but 85 is ok for veggin

no experience with that company, good luck

the larger plants will not choke out the others arrange then in your garden with the larger on the outside and small in the middle (think stadium seating)

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
the larger plants will not choke out the others arrange then in your garden with the larger on the outside and small in the middle (think stadium seating)
or you can place something under the little ones to bring them up to the same height. also, difference in height could be that your bagseed is sativa strain while your good stuff is indica. you may need to train the sativas to keep them short enough for your grow area.