do i have to prune lower bracnhes to bury stem when transplanting?


Active Member
Im about to translant my girls in bigger pots. i would like to bury the stem about 10inces more caz the folage and braches is crappy from not getting alot of light down there. can i just bury the stem without pruning the lower stuff i would rather do it this way for less transplant shock. thanx


Well-Known Member
it is better to prune all branches that will be burried because they will rot and might cause probs if burried


Well-Known Member
i have done both ways with no repercutions
i take all advice with respect and then do whats best for me
i was even told once to cut them and apply root stimulator to cut area

just keep in mind what we do there is at least 10 to 20 ways of doing each step-- some raching same results some better some worst in the end you are responcible to your investment of money time use of set up electricity seeds if you waste any resouces on bad advice no one is going to replace your loss

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i have seen grows where the lower branches were buried and actually ended up coming up and acting like their own plant, almost as if they had rooted. if you are growing the plants taller than a foot before flowering you may as well just cut them off. the area would be more productive making roots than tiny popcorn buds. if you are growing smaller plants you might consider leaving them on for the extra budsites. about the rot thing, i'm really not sure. never saw it happen but doesn't mean it couldn't.


Well-Known Member
i have seen grows where the lower branches were buried and actually ended up coming up and acting like their own plant, almost as if they had rooted.
Thats because they did root. It's called ground layering. Once the branch has established its own root system, you simply "cut the cord" and it is its own plant seperate from the parent plant. Much slower way of cloning, but for guys that have no where to either keep mother plants or they don't have room to have a cloning station, it works for them.