do i leave fans on all time or just when the lights are on???


Well-Known Member
Does the wind outdoors stop blowing at night ? do pests like spider mites stop eating plants in calm conditions ? does mold stop growing when its in a stale non moving air enviroment ?

Yes you should leave your fans blowing 24/7,it's a minumul cost that offers high pay back in plant health.


Well-Known Member
Very nicely put Panhead, one should always take cues from nature. There is no substitute for the stem strength that will develop with a constant stream from fans in your grow room. Also the cooler you can get the grow room during the dark cycle the more efficient your plants will be at producing flowers and resin. Keep those fans on mate. Happy Growing

KC :leaf:



Active Member
agreed, have the fans go in the dark, it is good to ensure the air does not get stagnant and it also helps for pests, plants streangh and a lot of other things I will not totally get into. depending on your set up sopme people will have the fans on less in the dark to help with temp control but again it depends on your set-up