Do I need any nutes for my clones while they are rooting in bubbler??

I have clones that are rooting in bubbler that I made (no roots yet), they have been in there for 2 days. They all look great so far. I have them in PHed water. Are you supposed to feed them any nutes while they are rooting. Meaning do I put any in the water or do I foliar feed them anything while they are rooting. I do not want to if I do not have to. Thanks alot!


Well-Known Member
I have clones that are rooting in bubbler that I made (no roots yet), they have been in there for 2 days. They all look great so far. I have them in PHed water. Are you supposed to feed them any nutes while they are rooting. Meaning do I put any in the water or do I foliar feed them anything while they are rooting. I do not want to if I do not have to. Thanks alot!
Don't feed them. You can spray them with pH'd water now and then, that's it.


Elite Rolling Society
No, without roots, they can't eat the nutes anyway.

I do MIST mine with a foilage spray while cloning.