do i need to burp my jars with stable rh 55% after 8 days from harvest?


Well-Known Member
as the title says guys . i have harvested the buds 8 days ago and managed to stabilize the rh of my buds dried and kept in a jar at about 55% rh +-2%.. do i need to burp it
or i can keep it in jars as long as rh is stable and burp only if required when rh goes above 65% and below 55% ?

ps:- the reason why i ask is i m confused ....some threads say burp till the rh is stable between the above range ..some say even if rh is stable you still need to burp initially to give the plants the oxygen required for the process of curing while some say air will degrade the buds ...i m confused .....
any help :D
You will need to burp it because you jarred a little early and introduced humidity. If you let it dry till it had released all the moisture it was going to you would only need burp once or twice to make sure it didnt moist up again.

Put your hand in, if it feels dry its ok, if not burp lots or redry it.
You will need to burp it because you jarred a little early and introduced humidity. If you let it dry till it had released all the moisture it was going to you would only need burp once or twice to make sure it didnt moist up again.

Put your hand in, if it feels dry its ok, if not burp lots or redry it.
thanks for the reply :D

i have a silicon oxide granules that absorb moisture and since yesterday i have been seeing my jar has rh 55% constant mostly ...and yes the buds do feel dry..did take out 4g from the harvest to smoke until cured for 2 weeks or so the buds felt dry enough to smoke as it crushes nicely in a crusher ..
i know its early i have introduced but the mositure part is taken care of .with silicon gel ....
just wondering how much oxygen is required by the curing stage of buds ? if the rh is constant relatively then how often do i need to burp to refil oxygen and let out co2.. i dont want too much oxygen to degrade my budz....
any specific scientific values anyone have like
how much cubic cm of air is required per gram of bud to cure per day ...aka oxygen ??
I cant say about the oxygen, granules and co2. I would have to try google drying organic matter in many gasses then find some data on co2 oxygen release and relared enzyme bacterial processeses. Tobacco companies might hold some research but be wrong to just study one single plant better an overview of it all.

Maybe one say if no one beats me to it or it isnt already done in a canna thread i may look but seems overly complicated and not needed.
This happened in a very recent thread, the harvest he temp and humidity controlled then jarred with boveda was no where near as the odd bud he found a few weeks later on the tent floor. The tent was at 30celcius too his controlled bud 20celcius.

Throw a few buds on a shelf and leave them a couple weeks, then compare it to your jarred weed. It's a fun experiment.
I've used this method without "mold" successfully now since this post years ago. BTW I use a dial hygrometer, 10 bucks.
