Do i need to cut fan leaves?


Active Member
I am 2 weeks into flowering and just wondering when i should cut the fan leaves off so the buds in the middle part of plant gets enough light??


Active Member
The fan leaves are providing the budding plant with energy.They will start to die and turn yellow when the appropriate time comes.Leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves are providing the budding plant with energy.They will start to die and turn yellow when the appropriate time comes.Leave them alone.

Yeah man - if u cut the fan leaf ur plant will not have the ability to create energy. Time to time u can remove certain leaf if u wana open up a bud to light, but dont go crazy by any means.


Active Member
i just did mine just dont go crazy and dont cut any branchs
Dude are u seriose go crazy??? u really are stuck on that cuttin off the fan leaves shit arent you? Lol look the best way i can describe it is, fan leaves are like solar panels collecting energy for your plant. When the leaves are ready they will fall off when once the nutrients are gone from them. In other words DONT CUT FAN LEAVES OFF.

Brick Top

New Member
I am 2 weeks into flowering and just wondering when i should cut the fan leaves off so the buds in the middle part of plant gets enough light??

An argument can be made for both trimming or removing large fan leaves and for leaving them on plants.

The large fan leaves are a plant’s largest solar panels, they collect the largest amounts of light rays and use that energy for various purposes.

Also large fan leaves are factories where sugars and various other elements are processed into other forms that plants can then use, and that are things plants need during all stages of growth, so removing large fan leaves will be detrimental.
The argument for trimming or removing them is that THC is produced in resin heads and is stimulated by light rays so if more light rays strike buds the logic is increased THC production. That argument is somewhat flawed in that THC works like sunscreen for the resin heads, it protects the inner portion where THC and other cannabinoids are produced and as the day or period of light progresses more and more THC is degraded by light. During periods of darkness the lost THC is replenished and a slight additional amount will be added so you have a slow gradual increase of THC production over time until plants reach their genetic level ability to produce THC and they have fully matured.
So it is questionable as to if larger amount of direct light rays to buds actually causes much if any real additional overall increase in THC production. The more you lose through degradation due to light rays the more there is that has to be replenished so at what point do you reach a point of diminishing returns when it comes to light rays directly striking bud?
If someone wants their buds to receive more light normally they can gently lift and reposition a branch and tuck a large fan leaf under a branch. At times the person may have to wait a few days or so for additional growth so that could be done without risking damage but often times it can be done and regardless of which theory someone may subscribe to even if they do have to wait a few days or so for a branch to grow slightly more so it can then be slightly raised and a large fan leaf can then be tucked under it any possible difference would be negligible but the removal of large fan leaves would not have a similar negligible effect. It would have much more of an overall effect on the plant and it would be a negative one.
Unless half or more of a large fan leaf is very damaged or dying/dead leave them on your plants.

If the middle and lower portions of you plants lack light you have insufficient lighting and the correct answer to how to deal with that is not cutting/removing fan leaves but instead upgrading your lighting and reflective material.