Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?


I have about 2 days to get rid of my plant, and I don't want to just throw it away because it's been in the flowering stage for a while and it has crystals and everything but it's not even close to harvest time. So I was wondering, does it need to dry and everything before I can use it to make oil, or can I just cut it down and make canna-oil with the calyxes that I have? Thanks for the help.


What kind of oil ? food like cannabutter , BHO Butane ?
In crock pot cooking i use dry , think it get's rid of chlorophyll or something , quick dry in warm heat if you'r in a push to do it .


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even waste my time man. that plant looks like it just started to bud and prbly not to many trichs and even if you do get something it prbly wouldnt even get you high


She's got a good bit to go allright , shame .
I guess you can do it now into cannabutter , but i'm not full sure , wait see if someone else chimes in ..


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I had to chop a plant that early before too. I just threw all my buds in vodka and let it steep in a cool dark place for 6 weeks. That's the best tasting vodka I've ever had. You can really taste the bud in it


Yeah it's only about 3 weeks in :/ The picture doesn't show it too well but it's got a good bit of crystals on the calyxes and some of the upper leaves (fallen), so I'd like to be able to do something with it, but I don't wanna have a bad trip.

@assasin, did it make good green dragon or was it mostly alcohol? also, did you have to dry it?


Well-Known Member
No drying. It was still mostly vodka. Great bud taste though. Even though you have crystals is be willing to bet that they are still clear and haven't had enough time to make thc


Yeah they're all pretty clear. Okay thanks, I guess I'll try the alcohol thing, I don't have anything better to do.


Well-Known Member
Just remember with buds that immature it is going to take a long time. It took mine almost two months before it didn't taste like shit.


I guess I'll find out, I can't get my hands on any vodka by tomorrow so I'm gonna make some cannaoil instead and see if I can get a ride on it. Wish me luck fellows.


This bud is not near ready to smoke.Looks like you just started to flower most plants take 2 months or more to mature.


Well-Known Member
I have the same question... Do I need to dry trimmings before cooking canna-oil or can I just put undried leaf material in there?


Sorry I never replied, but I made the cannaoil and put it on some tacos, it tasted good and looked green but I don't think it did anything for me. I was really high when I did all this but even after a while I didn't notice a change at all so I'm guessing it didn't work. Oh well, getting started again :D