Do light eating plants produce well?

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Just wondering if their is any direct correlation between plants that light a light feed, their production and quality vs plants that like a more normal feed.

Does a better eating plant produce a better product?
Whether they produce well is different than if they produce a better product. For example, a lot of OGs are light eaters and not huge yielders but those OG nugs are special. Also, some sativas are light feeders BUT they also take a long time to mature, so they can be heavy yielders despite being light feeders.
Seems from my experience the sativas eat less per feeding, but their extended grow time means they probably eat about the same as say an indica when you add up the total amount of food used per plant. I'm sure over time certain strains became more efficient at using the nutrients available, but like @Rurumo said, the quality might suffer. Unless you're Jesus, you can only get so much nourishment out of a loaf of bread and a couple fish :lol: