Do my plants have diseases? Please help

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Are my plants diseased? I'm going to water them but why is the stalk turning colors and texture it's like a deer antler. And why is new growth turning brown at the base? What can I do?
I just removed some of the new growth that I circled in the photo and it is definitely bud rott. Why so early? Also 2 days ago I sprayed ally crop defender during the night when the weather was below 90, during the day the weather hit 93. But all of the white pistils on the plant are turning brown. Is this going to cause more rot. I have a greenhouse with a fan blowing and a vent. Please help.
Chill out man.. be cool. Your plant looks fine, there is no budrot.. your plants stem looks nice and healthy.
You gotta have buds to have budrot. Leaves look droopy like they need watering but other than that looks normal enough. Budrot is definitely a possibility outside but you aint got it yet. Just keep taking preventative measures to prevent it and stay positive is all you can do.
Thank you so much guys, last thing I'm stressing over right now. I used a product called Ally crop defender I sprayed it all over the crop, with the pistils that turned brown (maybe they burned) will they fall off and new ones grow or will I be smoking them? Thanks