Do plants adapt to their environment?


Active Member
I was just curious I know that each grow you should be getting better, but do clones grow better once they have been in the same environment for quite some time? I know I've improved, but this is my 6th run with the strain and it is completely killing all of my other attempts.

Just curious what you guys know/think
yes plants do adapt. Mj is one of the most adaptive plants. Example look at roots exposed to light. They grow thicker.

If certain wave lengths are not present, the pigments that absorb those wave lengths go dormant. The other pigments absorb more photons.

You probably have done better with that strain also....
Yeah I agree. I just brought my plant from out door to indoor and reversed it's life cycle and really slowed her down. Now that's its been in my same environment for 8 months I feel like I'm starting to see a improvement . I have updated my knowledge too though
Clones over time acclimate to their environment.
First run of seeds are usually strong plants.
First run of clones can be a bit tricky to replicate the seed run but
after the third and fourth runs they are adapting to your environment and stabilize.
At the same time you get used to their habits.

In short, yes, yes they do. My buddy grows our 213 OG outdoors and gave me a cutting awhile ago and I took it indoors. They look like 2 completely different varieties. Nothing compared to seedlings started from seed, but you will still see some change in phenotypic expression with clones.