do plants blossom slower under poor lighting?


Active Member
I don't exactly have the best set-up, so my buds look a little... pathetic compared to the pics here.

I thought I was almost ready to harvest (pistils were mostly red) but then my plant got a new set of white pistils.

I'm tryin' to use this Radio Shak microscope but it's proving a bit difficult...

Any tips? I think it's at least been 2 months flowering - I didn't really keep track.


Well-Known Member
The easiest way I found to use that microscope was to pull a leaf off around the buds (preferably a smaller one) and bring it out of my grow room. Place it on a flat surface and set the microscope right over top of it. Makes it easier to see then trying to view it while it's on the plant. Hope you have the one with the light on it.


Active Member
I left my camera's USB cable at work. I'll try to remember it tomorrow.

I'm growing under 2 2ft T5's and 4 CFLs of 100-150 watt equivalence. It's a revegged plant - say about 2 months. The first harvest was... weak and premature. This time around looks a lot better, but I'm having trouble figuring out whether to harvest or not. It's about 2.5 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
You keeping the lights real close to the plant? Seems like you have a decent amount of light, should yield something.


Well-Known Member
whats up doughnuttless? i dont like those radioshack microscopes to detremine when to harvest. like u said its kinda hard. i have a 10x, 20x, & 30x. i usually take the 10 & 20 to check out the major bud sites. if the buds intially look close to done< then i use the 30 for the final analsys. like smokere said, i would take little pieces off to check it with the radioshack microscope. also u need to think about when u like to harvest. some like it early while others like it late. for me when the trichomess look like fat mushrooms are about 50% amber in color. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Are you using anything like Kool Bloom, or lquid karma or anything? Maybe even some Molasses or SWEET? or just regular flowering nuts? You have enough light, I flowered my last plants with about the same lights, and got great, thick, sticky buds. 1.5 oz, of big buds, and about .5 oz of popcorn buds per plant.

I think it is soon for those buds. I do not know why this is, but they look inmature


Active Member
The last harvest had even smaller buds (I may not have let it bloom long enough). They work... but aren't very potent. They get the job done.

As far as nutrients, I gave it a bunch of Miracle Gro Bloom Mix...

The only thing I can think of is that the lights aren't close enough, which they probably aren't because I don't want to burn anything accidentally... but still... is this 'normal'? And when the heck do I harvest?


Active Member
I probably have them too far away, but I didn't think it'd mess up growth this much. It's definitely been blooming for over 2 months now.

What should I do? Adjust the lights and keep it blooming? Cut and just treat my clones better?



Well-Known Member
Start a new plant, let that one finish. I think I read that in some book titled "shut up and grow". In no way to I mean that derogatory towards you, just someone said that to me before.


Active Member
I have 4 baby cuttings ready and able. It's just I want to get this goliath out of the way! And I don't know whether to keep going or cut my losses since it's been blooming so long.