Do plants stop growing in smaller pots?


New Member
If i grew a plant outdoor in a 2 gallon pot would the plant eventually stop growing and stay smaller in smaller pots? Or would the girl die eventually? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Think of it like a gold fish. The bigger the bowl the bigger the fish. It'll take alot more waterings/feedings to grow one in a 2 gal. container. If your persistent/consistent w/ the feedings/waterings you'll come away w/ a lil something something, but you should just gat a 5 gallon bucket or put it into the ground to grow a good 1.


Well-Known Member
The plant will stay small like a bonsai, but will not produce to it's full potential. I agree with drive, topping or training would be more effective.


Well-Known Member
it depends on the strain. most of the indica plants i grow end up being squat and bushy, and usually grow quite small in a 1 gallon-or-so pot, as where i have grown sativa dominant strains like jack herer which reach soaring heights of 3-4 feet in 1 gallon pots, and produced bud to match. however in this situation, the soil's moisture and nutrients are used up faster. it tends to lead to a less stable plant, but its potential to produce is still there


Active Member
plant it into the ground or a bigger pot just buy a bag of roots organic soil and plant it right into the bag poke some holes in the bottom and your set that would be your best bet there.


Active Member
You want to let your root propagation be as natural as possible, If you grow from seeds then you'll have a tap root which will indeterminately grow downwards, so you can cut the bottom off and place on some soil(amend if possible) to help. That is a pretty small pot but if you have to use it, then try your best to keep those roots cool, as they'll inevitably be curling along the sides on the inside of the pot (root bound).


Active Member
Grew several strains outdoor last year including Jack Herer, Pre 98 bubba, cherry diesel.... . They ended up about 6 FT in 5 gal pots. At the later stages of flowering I had to water twice a day. what a pain! Im in a very hot n dry climate so that didnt help. But they werent in a good spot either as there werent getting good light.