Do smaller pots make your plants stretch???

Have you experience stretching from using smaller pots? Hydro included!

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Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
So a RIU member and I were discussing pot size and stretching. He is almost certain that a plant in a smaller pot will stretch. I'm not convinced but thought id start a thread to see what others may know about this?


Well-Known Member
I've experimented extensively with various pot sizes ranging from full grows in solo cups to 5 gal Home Depot pots. While pot size does affect a plant's a point, it does not affect how much stretch a plant will have.

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
See now I have been wrapping my head around this being so I used to grow monster plants (4'x4'x4' tomato plants and 4' basil plants among many others) in 2" cups on a raft system I and I've witnessed plants stretching to the other pots or becoming so thin they would fall over and root in them, with success. Idk if marijuana has the ability to do this when left unattended but makes a lot of since when you think of how to make a proper clone.
The only other conclusion I can come up with is possibly the plant is confusing the small pot as a need to compete with other sounding plants and this growing taller to block out their light in an effort decrease their growth and to maximize its own root potential.
I have no data to back either statements just a thought but id love to see a study on either of these theories.


Well-Known Member
The one time I tried to grow in small pots, they stretched, but... I was also overcrowding the space, and I think that had more to do with them competing for light than the small pot. So there are a web of factors that are interconnected. Like anything else, if you over or under do one area, it increases the probability of stressing the plant. So, for instance, if you use small pots and veg for a really long time, you probably want to have your nutes nailed down.