Do tops make good clones?

I hydro in 5 gallon buckets... bubblers, nutes. Had to sacrifice a root rot pair of 20" tall plants. Before the healthiest one went south, I cut the tops off and "cloned" them into prop trays. (have successfully cloned before and raised plant to harvest, I know what to do and what to expect... sorta)

Will a clone from the top of a mature plant root and live strong? I assume so? How wrong might I be or am I on easy street using tops? Obviously stems were a bit more coarse than the tender lower branches... will this be a problem. I did strip the exterior stalk a bit to encourage root growth.

Any advice would be apprciated.


Well-Known Member
if all the conditions are met, then ur success with the clone should good but if u do not give it humidity and moisture it will not root, also i hope u used some rooting hormone, it will increase the sucess of cloning like a billion fold lol
Thanks for the reply... yes, I use a prop tray on a heating pad (made for cloning) which keeps my water temp at 73-75 degrees, I cut the fan leaves, spray them daily with ph 6 water, used a cloning gel, cleaned all equip and fingers with rubbing alcohol prior, used a clean blade, scraped the last 1/2" of the stem with the edge of a razor blade before applying the gel, soaked cubes in PH5.5 water. With a full size prop tray, I keep about 1/2 inch of Ph6 water and a couple drops of that concentrated nute in the little brown bottle with all the weird writing on it... (one drop for every 1,000 gallons... super concentrated, yada, yada)

I get a good "fog" inside with lots of condensation on the dome. I use two 48" fluorescent plant grow lights and set the light fixture directly on top of the prop dome. I check temp twice daily.

The hardest part is the waiting game to see those bright white shiney root tips stick their nose out of the rock wool.

Any tips or suggestions to further my chances for success?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed if I clip the leaves, that's about all the attention they need to root with a fairly high rate of success(majority).

Tops work great!
Well, I waited long enough to find out that yes, tops do make good clones... brilliant! Perfect, beautiful little babes
with lots of thick, heavy white roots. My deceased plant which sucummed to the Root Rot Wars last month now has 2
beautiful clones to carry on it's dna legacy. All this to save a strain I grew from a seed I found in some schwaaaggg.
Yes, it's worth it for this one. Tasty! Hope to figure out what strain it could be some day.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes they do. they will be a nice plant.if the leaves are really big then cut them in half....