Do we need more Bernie threads?

Should RIU admins limit the number of threads about Bernie?

  • Yes, it was necessary when the Paulbots were here!

  • No, Bernie needs all the help he can get building a facade of popularity!

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I don't know if you could necessarily "see" a Bloomberg troll. It would just look like a person that doesn't like a particular candidate other than Bloomberg. Pro-Bloomberg statements would be more obvious and maybe not their tactic.
Yeah there hasn't been anyone really supporting him here. I tried to push back on some o the lies spread about him and show some of the very good things he has said and done, but I am open about wanting Biden to win this election.

We need a President that is a known quantity for the world to be able to start coming together to combat the Russian online attacks on every democracy in the world. And one that has shown over a very long career to not be for dictators.
Maybe America's best way to combat Russian online attacks is to stick to face to face discussions and recognize that faceless text can be super confusing. If everybody stuck together, set a code of manners, and started saying "Bah! Those are just internet words. Knock it off with that stuff.", bad actors from around the world would lose their internet power. I know that's far too idealistic but I think we'd be in better shape as a country that way.
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Maybe America's best way to combat Russian online attacks is to stick to face to face discussions and recognize that faceless text can be super confusing. If everybody started saying "Bah! Those are just internet words", bad actors from around the world would lose their internet power. I know that's far too idealistic but I think we'd be in better shape as a country that way.
Yeah it is a shame that that can't work today because everyone is getting personalized propaganda that is designed to start fights with people they disagree with. Then if people don't talk with each other about it, they get sucked into specific information bubbles because the Russians have set up different websites around the web that look like actual news reporting, but are really cleverly disguised propaganda sites with mostly real stories.

They even have local news sites to trick people into thinking they are not what they are, more propaganda.
The media is giving Bernie the most positive coverage of any candidate. In fact, I haven't seen any presidential candidate ever get such good coverage that is almost invariably positive.

It's like they're trying to make Bernie mainstream.
The California primary is next Tuesday. I've been mailing in my ballot for 25 years, it's the easy way to vote.

And no, I don't watch any debates, or pay any attention to them.


You've got the right idea! I just got an application in the mail to absentee vote mail in. I checked the box to always have shit mailed to me from now on

I think Michigan primary is March 10 and I'm going to vote for Pete Buttigeig