Do you blend/grind your MMJ with other strains?


Well-Known Member
I will take some bubba kush and mix it with some Orange Crush..

buddy had one of the best blends I swear it was like tasting Fall time.. had a hint of ginger and pumpkin and a bit of bubba kush

the blend was some House brand he purchased + something called Fire seeds from both was a huge surprise too.

I also like Chemjack and Bubba mix


New Member
Mixing herbs is an art form , may it be in the pipe or genetically crossed .. It often begins within a pipe for some breeders and then the mix becomes a hybrid if the two strains are crossed ..

I mix my herbs up all the time , been spiking my favorites with Thai Bubble lately for the strains Electric High ...


Well-Known Member
Weed + hash is daily event for me. If I am running out of good weed I will sometimes mix a little good stuff with a little schwag to make it last till harvest.


Well-Known Member
Weed + hash is daily event for me. If I am running out of good weed I will sometimes mix a little good stuff with a little schwag to make it last till harvest.
yeah had a large colla from my headband plant they broke about 2 weeks or less from harvest has some nice taste but not too much kick so mixing it up with other stuff helps a bit with this too..