Do you ever get that paranoid feeling...


New Member
You know the one where your smoking swag and you think you hear doors slaming? My first attempt at growing and I came across this site yesterday. I joined and was about to post when I heard doors opening closing ect. So I peek out my window and a fucking narco unit and a dog are in front of my house, my heart exploded, turns out he just new the people across the street from me but still.....

Glad to be here lots of good stuff


Active Member
On a scale of 1-10 that has a "butt pucker" factor of about 38. Welcome
The funniest thing I've heard in a while.

As for you Slimj, welcome and good luck with that first grow my man! Im sure you have been, but just keep reading and reading! And also, dont listen to the a-holes. There arent many, but there are enough here to grind my gears a little.

If youre new, Id suggest reading alot about the different types of Low Stress Training. Its the easiest way to maximize your yield, and most techniques are begginer friendly.

My 2 cents:
Uh...over water=baaaad!
Perlite is awesome
Start nutrients off at 1/4 dosage
Keep them fans on them plants and lights
You dont need fancy nutrients or soil
Stay positive, and confident. Mj aint goin nowhere
You got this brotha!

may the force be with you.