Do You Get High Off Edibles


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a question I can't get a good answer to so me, my two brothers, and my mom all can't get high off edibles. And everyone I've said that too are like oh man you just get shitty ass home made stuff. I think they just don't want too seem like a light weight but that has nothing too do with it I've seen people who can out smoke me eat a 50mg gummy and be fucked for like an hour or 2 I've tried edibles probable around 10 times and I have given up I have had home made cookies and brownies from like 3 different ppl and tried from them a couple times and never felt anything and yes ok it could of been just shit stuff but I doubt it but the last time I tried edibles and gave up I got 4 baggies of 50mg gummies and there are 5 in each pack so I ate 1000mg and didn't feel shit and these were from a dispensary.
Does anyone know why edibles don't effect certain people any insight on this would be lovely and sorry for the paragraph
For all the people saying eat more and you will feel it well you eat 1000mg and have fun I did but I didn't feel shit the whole day and I know it's not the same type of high but I'm pretty sure I would of known if it was working and... it didnt
That's very interesting. I remember my first time I had an edible. Not the actual event but I remember getting told what happened LOL. Watched District 9 with my brother and fourteen hours later he woke me up with his stinky ass foot in my nose. Bastard haha.

But that's super strange it doesn't hit you 1000mg dose should put some chest on your hair for sure.
That's very interesting. I remember my first time I had an edible. Not the actual event but I remember getting told what happened LOL. Watched District 9 with my brother and fourteen hours later he woke me up with his stinky ass foot in my nose. Bastard haha.

But that's super strange it doesn't hit you 1000mg dose should put some chest on your hair for sure.
Yeah I know it's weird I would love to know what the high is like but I shall never know

And fucking love district 9 great movie
Tolerance is too high for me, I'll eat em and notice a slight gigglyness or sleepiness but nothing like ripping a dab. I buy edibles and make em for others and to share, not for myself. I got some critical CBD with the intention of making edibles out of the whole batch via hash extract or something
I don't get high off of edibles. In fact I don't eat them. A few years ago I made some butter and used it to make some brownies. It was so strong that when it kicked in I was completely wiped out for the rest of the night and when I woke up I was still wasted. Since then I've been apprehensive about edibles.
Thank you everyone and for all the other ppl saying they can't get high off it too why do you think it dosnt effect certain people is it our bodies metabolism?
Edibles will fuck you up! Hard lesson to learn. 4 oz in a tray of brownies is a no no! I also have a high tolerance for edibles. I find having milk or dairy with them kinda gets the ball rolling. My advice would be to make your own and increase the ratio until you find the sweet spot.
Yeah but if 1000mg won't get me high I don't think any amount of edibles will but I guess I can make bets on who can eat more gummies I would always win lol
Some people just don't get high on edibles.

That said, if making your own edibles be sure to decarboxylate the THCA into THC so it will pass the blood / brain barrier. Otherwise it's not psychoactive.
Honestly, i have never decarbed and the edibles are effective.
Was recently told on here somewhere that decarbing helped with flavor and eliminated some of the green chloro flavor. May be true but in 20+ yrs, 8 hours in a crock pot made for potent butter. Taste i always covered up with mint/peanut butter or whatever.
Going to try decarbing next time and see if it makes any kind of difference