Do you guys tell others your psychedelic use? or weed use in an illegal contry?


Well-Known Member
I live in a pretty bad country when it comes to the war on drugs. I sometimes cant keep my excitement about a trip I have and when friends bring it up I cant help but share it with people, im not gonna lie it gets me paranoid as hell since idk where this info will end up and where it will get me. What do you guys think about this, am I digging my own grave little by being a little open then maybe I should be when it comes to this?
I live in a pretty bad country when it comes to the war on drugs. I sometimes cant keep my excitement about a trip I have and when friends bring it up I cant help but share it with people, im not gonna lie it gets me paranoid as hell since idk where this info will end up and where it will get me. What do you guys think about this, am I digging my own grave little by being a little open then maybe I should be when it comes to this?
Trust your gut. Keep your mouth shut.
Trust your gut. Keep your mouth shut.
im gonna just stfu and try to keep my excitement but not gonna lie most people who know knows I love weed and psychedelics so im lowkey stressing hope I can get my ass out this country to somewhere with better life standards a little more freedom so I can feel more relaxed
I don't describe my trips much unless it is with a person I tripped with it's hard for me to desrcibe not just the visuals but always the why my body feels and I'm not a very descriptive person to begin with
I don't describe my trips much unless it is with a person I tripped with it's hard for me to desrcibe not just the visuals but always the why my body feels and I'm not a very descriptive person to begin with
Describing trips is a tough challenge lol. Especially to people who don't trip.
I live in a pretty bad country when it comes to the war on drugs. I sometimes cant keep my excitement about a trip I have and when friends bring it up I cant help but share it with people, im not gonna lie it gets me paranoid as hell since idk where this info will end up and where it will get me. What do you guys think about this, am I digging my own grave little by being a little open then maybe I should be when it comes to this?
Ideally you tell people after they eat the soup you carefully prepared for them that may or may not be poisoned. Just give it long enough for you to finish your story.
Start peppering in lies of how you are “getting clean”
I know lying is no fun, but sometimes you just have to have 2 personas; one for public and one true.
Start peppering in lies of how you are “getting clean”
I know lying is no fun, but sometimes you just have to have 2 personas; one for public and one true.
my tactic rn :D feels fucking weird when im high af and tell people im just tired all the time tho lol