Do You Hate Iran yet?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how good the media is hypin' all the American folk to start hatin' Iran.

So it's a simple question.

Iran - Hate them or still dont care?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
How about if we don't name it but just say a regime that preaches the destruction of another country?

That should be enough for some hatred right there.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm extremely worried for the Iranian people. They have a lot to deal with and now these sanctions are placing a terrible hardship on them.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Just wondering how good the media is hypin' all the American folk to start hatin' Iran.

So it's a simple question.

Iran - Hate them or still dont care?
I don't like their government, nor do I like any theocracy. But I completely understand their attitude towards us and believe the conflicts we have with them are our fault. I've got nothing against the people of Iran.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the replies.

Its interesting to see that so many Americans do not want to go to war with Iran and do not see them as an enemy, though the media targets them as one.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the replies.

Its interesting to see that so many Americans do not want to go to war with Iran and do not see them as an enemy, though the media targets them as one.
The other problem is that American history books conveniently skip the parts where we overthrew their democracy, used WMD's against them via Iraq, etc. But a lot of people are starting to wise up to all of this. Still, many many Americans see Iran as an aggressive enemy. Perhaps even the majority of Americans.


Active Member
We have been fucking with Iran since the 1940's-50's....................... our government sucks ass much of the time.


Well-Known Member
why should we hate iran the country or their innocent people?

should we not hate their dictators or terrorist groups?

they hate us cause of obama


Well-Known Member
are you serious?

the only thing you took from what i wrote was that...

come on'man!

when bush was in office, the hated us cause of him

you see the pattern?

Seriously? LOL

You really need to lay off the partisan kool-aid. It's starting to effect your brain.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate any Iranians personally, but I have disliked the country since the hostage crisis. Too bad we don't have a guy like Reagan in office now.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I don't hate any Iranians personally, but I have disliked the country since the hostage crisis. Too bad we don't have a guy like Reagan in office now.
You realize they took hostages because we assassinated their democratically elected leader and installed a puppet dictatorship right?

All they wanted was to put said puppet dictator on trial, then say we were sorry for overthrowing their democracy and promise not to do it again. Is that really so unreasonable?
its a mess for sure, but instead of asking why we hate Iran, how about why the whole world hates the USA?
Unless you have lived overseas for a number of years, you cant understand the distrust and simple distaste for americans. We are an arrogant country trying to control the whole world by giving them "democracy." Most countries wouldnt understand democracy and really dont want it and its foolish to think that we are helping people by shoving our ideals down their throats with military bases and sanctions when they never had anything close to freedom and wouldnt know how a free market society works.
The sooner that we as a country understand that some people are better left alone the sooner we can focus on becoming self sufficient.