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[h=1]Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act[/h]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"CISPA" redirects here. For other uses, see Cayman Islands Society of Professional Accountants.
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Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011[TR]
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[TH]Full title[/TH]
[TD]To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes. – H.R. 3523[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #BBDDFF, colspan: 2"]Citations[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #BBDDFF, colspan: 2"]Legislative history[/TH]
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[TD="class: mbox-text plainlist"]Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is a proposed law in the United States which would allow for the sharing of Internet traffic information between the U.S. government and certain technology and manufacturing companies. The stated aim of the bill is to help the U.S government investigate cyber threats and ensure the security of networks against cyberattack.[SUP][1][/SUP]
CISPA has been criticized by advocates of Internet privacy and civil liberties, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Those groups argue CISPA contains too few limits on how and when the government may monitor a private individual’s Internet browsing information. Additionally, they fear that such new powers could be used to spy on the general public rather than to pursue malicious hackers.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] CISPA has garnered favor from corporations and lobbying groups such as Microsoft,Facebook and the United States Chamber of Commerce, which look on it as a simple and effective means of sharing important cyber threat information with the government.[SUP][4][/SUP]
Some critics saw CISPA as a second attempt at strengthening digital piracy laws after the anti-piracy Stop Online Piracy Act became deeply unpopular.[SUP][5][/SUP] Intellectual property theft was initially listed in the bill as a possible cause for sharing Web traffic information with the government, though it was removed in subsequent drafts.[SUP][6][/SUP]
The legislation was introduced on November 30, 2011 by U.S. Representative Michael Rogers (R-MI) and 111 co-sponsors.[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][8][/SUP] It was passed in the House of Representatives on April 26, 2012.[SUP][9][/SUP] President Obama's advisers have argued that the bill lacks confidentiality and civil liberties safeguards and they advise the president to veto it.[SUP][10][/SUP]

Alex Jones has been speaking of this for at least 10+ years.

People joke and say OH....... Our gov would never do any of this...

Yet... it's slowly coming true... Our gov has a slick way of setting up small laws which will reflect larger laws later on.

MMJ Tax act 1937...
My thoughts are that CISPA failed last year, Obama moved to make executive orders covering the same spyin' shit, and it failed. Support organizations like EFF, Mozilla foundation, Pirate Bay... Companies that don't support CISPA, like IBM, Google, etc. Call your cable company, phone company, or other data provider, let them know you'll drop them and go with anonymous wifi or prepaid 4G service if they switch. Call your senator/congressional rep if the bill comes up again.
Obama moved to make executive orders covering the same spyin' shit, and it failed...

or were they set up for future laws yet to be passed...
Alex Jones has been speaking of this for at least 10+ years.

People joke and say OH....... Our gov would never do any of this...

Yet... it's slowly coming true... Our gov has a slick way of setting up small laws which will reflect larger laws later on.

MMJ Tax act 1937...

it may be just me but i feel somthing brewing ;)
My thoughts are that CISPA failed last year, Obama moved to make executive orders covering the same spyin' shit, and it failed. Support organizations like EFF, Mozilla foundation, Pirate Bay... Companies that don't support CISPA, like IBM, Google, etc. Call your cable company, phone company, or other data provider, let them know you'll drop them and go with anonymous wifi or prepaid 4G service if they switch. Call your senator/congressional rep if the bill comes up again.

...............................................On April 26, 2012, the House of Representatives passed CISPA. If you were spying on ppl what would you say?
have you tried pirate bay lately? ;)
And now they're pushing to take/restrict guns and train soldiers to fight zombies(unarmed civilians).

The future is going to be interesting...
Alex Jones has been speaking of this for at least 10+ years.

People joke and say OH....... Our gov would never do any of this...

Yet... it's slowly coming true... Our gov has a slick way of setting up small laws which will reflect larger laws later on.

MMJ Tax act 1937...

The reason for the constitution's strict outlining of Federal and State legal abilities, and the personal rights of the individual were enumerated in such detail, with legal "must" words (such as the words SHALL and WILL) was because the founding fathers KNEW that government is a monster, and that it will not give back rights that have been stripped from citizens.

The MMJ tax act is a perfect example of a right taken away (to grow a PLANT, not to smoke it, cure it, or anything else, but the simple act of GROWING it,) that the Feds don't want to give us back. Another fine example is the PATRIOT Act (also known as "yep, we let the terrorists win, before we even went to war, by stripping our citizens of their rights" Act.)
all federal payments are now paperless as of March 2013 (think they want your money quicker)

NEW YORK – Two years ago, the Obama administration was proceeding with a novel way to finance trillion-dollar budget deficits by forcing IRA and 401(k) holders to buy Treasury bonds by mandating the placement of government-structured annuities in their retirement accounts.

Put simply, the Retirement USA government-mandated workplace retirement account would require by law employers and employees to contribute to a retirement account for every employee and demand that a portion of that contribution go into a federal-government created annuity that would be funded by purchasing Treasury debt.

the wheels in motion!
...............................................On April 26, 2012, the House of Representatives passed CISPA. If you were spying on ppl what would you say?
have you tried pirate bay lately? ;)

Every single day, I use TPB. It passed the house, died in the joint session. The PATRIOT Act, like I mentioned above, is much more dangerous and will probably be the undoing of our rights as citizens.
The reason for the constitution's strict outlining of Federal and State legal abilities, and the personal rights of the individual were enumerated in such detail, with legal "must" words (such as the words SHALL and WILL) was because the founding fathers KNEW that government is a monster, and that it will not give back rights that have been stripped from citizens.

The MMJ tax act is a perfect example of a right taken away (to grow a PLANT, not to smoke it, cure it, or anything else, but the simple act of GROWING it,) that the Feds don't want to give us back. Another fine example is the PATRIOT Act (also known as "yep, we let the terrorists win, before we even went to war, by stripping our citizens of their rights" Act.)

Our Gov had US troops guarding Afgan Poppy fields... because it was their only source of income for certain afgans familes..
Pretty sure some of the US people busted for selling-growing MMJ feel it's is their only source of income...
Please, don't forget the trillion dollar platinum coin that can be minted by the treasury secretary if he/she decides it's "worth it" ... Meaning it could be used as a tool to "defeat the deficit ceiling."
have you noticed the redirects before you hit the page ;) i see them applying that act in corporate interest not the ppls ;)
The human race is fucked just for being human. Seriously. Everyone everywhere is screwed.
Damn right.

but we let it happen :(
We MAKE it happen. Humanity as a species is little more than a parasite on earth, a cancer or disease.

They're writing laws to cover what has already been done for a decade and to keep up with our evolving technologies.

They did that with the PA, the data mining systems already existed, it had to. That's the nature of digital. Data filtering through the Tier 1 and 2 ISPs was happening in the 90's; government firewalls are designed by the brightest minds tax money can contract. Military is driving most of our modern advances, normally through intelligence, who obfuscates sources of money and then hires us, the general public to build and maintain these systems. It's our own fault. We can't protect ourselves any more, and let every boogieman that the government sends our scare the piss outta us. As the English say we're about to be proper fucked. And, all we can do is lube up for them, and then ask why.