Do you play Guitar or Ukulele?


Well-Known Member
Playing music is so much fun and you can play anything you want, Cowboy, Jazz, Hula, or Classical. It all depends upon how you feel.
I started playing ukulele a few years ago, still not too good but enthusiastic about it. Only four strings and they are small enough to take anywhere. Great way to meet women too, if you're into that. My neighbor next door plays guitar and uke and is in a gig band that plays old folks homes and VFW halls etc.

He and I used to do videos for a group that puts them on youtube and sends them out for others in the group to watch and comment on. It's called Seasons of the Ukulele. Every week the Season changes and there's people from all over the world participate, US, Europe, Asia, Australia it doesn't matter. Most are not professional players some are quite good, some, like me are just duffers.

I stopped doing it when I had my cancer surgery and they tore up my left arm to take a piece of bone to replace part of my skull they had to remove. It's taken me a long time to get the flexibility back in my left hand but playing the Uke really helped me redevelop my flexibility in my left hand.

The only problem I have is I'm addicted to buying Ukuleles. I gave away six of mine when the Docs
said I might never play again, now all my nephews are starting to play. I have four different sized

Uke's hanging on my wall and I pick one out and play a few bars of something every couple of hours, minutes or days.

One nice thing is that you can play if you learn just three chords, maybe four or five if you practice a bit.
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I like the baritone ukes, because they are tuned in key same as the bottom 4-strings of a guitar, so you can just play guitar chord shapes minus the top 2 strings.