do you remember yer 1st bowl?


Active Member
my first time i was 13 smokin out of a diet pepsi can w/my older sister(thanx sis)sittin on the floor in r garage i remember it like it was yesterday that was 20 yrs ago 20 stoney great years


Active Member
Lol. My first bowl or the first time I smoked? I first smoked a blunt then later that night a bowl. I was so fucking high from the blunt and had no idea what everyone was talking about when they said "bowl." I kept burning myself with the lighter until I made other people light it for me.


Well-Known Member
i was 12. the first time i ever smoked but it was a bowl...made out of a drilled tree branch. it was with a friend of mine and he basically just said that i would laugh my ass off so i was like alright. it wasnt weed though just some stems but we got high as hell off those stems. it was in my back yard. been smokin since off and not lettin nuthin stop me from smokin nowadays though. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i still remember the first time like it was yesterday... best friend and i knew some girls that were having a sleepover in a backyard tent. so we pinched a gram from my old man's stash(hey we were kids lol) and snuck out to go try and get them stoned so they would make out with us:twisted: of course what happened was after all of us gave up on trying to roll a joint we made a bowl out of a coke bottle and some tinfoil, and got so ridiculousy stoned we couldnt stop laughing at each other till the sun came up....

...that was 18 years ago. i dont get to see my buddy now as much as id like to, we live 1500 miles apart, but the last time we spoke a few years ago that was the first thing that came good times! he actually ended up getting married to one of the girls we were trying to seduce bongsmilie

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
My first joint was when I was a sophomore in high school, at an epic college party. Absolutely plastered, we leave the apartment and head out to the top of the parking garage. We light joints and firecrackers, pass around a bottle of rum, and laugh our asses off until hunger strikes. We go back inside to find a pizza delivery man chillin' outside the apartment door with one of the apartment roommates, talking and hanging out. Best pizza of my life. Woke up helaciously early and drove myself home, extremely hungover and possibly still drunk.

Been going since.


Well-Known Member
I was 11.I took my dads pipe and stole a bud and went out back and tried it.It was hella tight iv been smokin ever since...


Active Member
My first smoke, I didn't get high, just real tired.
Second time, OH YEAH, I remember that. UNLIKE anything I had ever experienced before and only once since. It was like a complete dream that I had control over. I couldn't tell if was awake or sleeping. Fucking awesome. Second time I ever felt that was when a buddy and I sat in a field alllll night smoking some very trusted buds. We ended up a couple miles from where we started and were laughing like fools!!!


Well-Known Member
i remember by first bowl, i was 15, and the bowl. it was amazing, I would pay hundreds for it. it was a ceramic joker head with cords coming out of the tops of it, with jingle balls attached to the end. it was amazing... great night, ate like $30 in candy from blockbuster and played video games all night with 2 other guys.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
My first bowl was like a first 10 bowls...
Was in a tent with some of my best friends, 4 things going around at once. Needless to say, after 2 rounds I was kicked out of the tent for laughing too much... probably was for the best, was hyperventilating from laughing so hard. bongsmilie

Oh, I was 18.


First bowl was at a party a good 4 years ago and I was already plastered off Jager that I didn't even know what to feel. My eyelids got tired and that was about it. Pretty mediocre.


Well-Known Member
I was 13 and all I remember was that I was paranoid as shit and my legs felt "heavy". Oh those were the days! That weed would looked like sticks and twigs compared to the shit I smoke these days.


Well-Known Member
my first bowl i was 16 and i wuz at work and a friend of mine worked there with me and one day wee had lunch at the same time and it wuz only 30 mins it took us five to get to his house then wen we got there he pulled out his bong he showed me how to hit it but i hit it too hard and went bak to work high off my ass and i wuz workin in a food store and i wuz a sacker and i started workin and i forgot to put the shit in tha bags and then i got writtin up lol


Well-Known Member
First bowl... wow... Well, lets go back about 12 years.. I'm 25 years old, and smoked my first joint at age 13.. It wasn't a bowl, but whatever..

I remember it smelled really good and me and my 2 friends all broke some of it up and noticed it was sticky.. We used my friends dads roller to roll up a joint.. We didn't know how much to put in there, we just figured you filled the roller and went from there.. After numerous trys, and a few ripped papers, we figured it out... We didn't know how big it was supposed to be.. But we laugh when we look back at it, because it was actually a bit bigger than a cigarette.. I light it up and took a few puffs, thinking at that age it was like smoking a cigarette.. I coughed immediately and felt a strong sense of paranoia come over my body.. My friends start laughing, but soon after their hits, they felt the same way too.. Needless to say, we only took a few more hits after that.. We just started laughing our a$$es off.. I remember the friends house we were at, he went down and got a punch of munchies (pringles, nutty bars, pop)... We had to of had a real good high for like 2-3 hours.. We eventually smoked some more, and it's just progressed from there..


Active Member
iluv all these stories they take me back keep them coming
reminds me of theweed i used to snag from my dad we called it the d.o.d.b. aka dear ol dad bud it was the bomb found out la8er my unkle was growin it