Do you think the seedling starting is a tough work?


Well-Known Member
-Do you think the seedling start is tough work?
-Yes, absolutely! You’ll have to maintain sweet temperatures for seeds and manage the humidity properly...So you’ll know every step is such important to create a perfect baby plant!

-So why not use the professional heat mat and get the tough work to be easier???
Seed Start.jpg

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To me starting seeds is a simple process.

I have the room temps around 80f. I soak them in distilled water until they start cracking the seed shell, which with good seeds is usually 24 hours. Or less. Sometimes its 12 hours.

I then use Promix BX as my medium, and either 18oz plastic cups, or 32oz Uline Deli Containers. Fill containers with Promix BX.
I spray the medium so its fairly wet an inch or so down. Poke a small hole maybe an 1/8th inch deep in the medium with a toothpick.
Place the seedling sharp end down, and push the seedling down in the hole with the toothpick. Spray the medium again, until the medium covers the seed.
Place Saran Wrap over top of container. I also spray the Saran Wrap on the side closest to the medium, and this keeps the Saran Wrap firmly attached to the container.

I sprout my seedlings under 1000w HIS/Hortilux HPS at a height of 24 inches. Temp 80f. Keep a watch on medium to make sure it stays moist.

Last time I germinated seeds I started 108 seeds, and 103 came up.
There are different ways people germinate successfully. I don’t think it’s hard. I’ve had 1 seed not pop out of a couple dozen. Age/storage conditions can play a role in the process being a PITA.