Do you toke in your grow room?


Well-Known Member
So as I'm sitting here in my growroom closet just looking up at my plants I'm wondering and laughing and asking myself " I can't believe how cool it is to smoke infront of future smoke". And it got me thinking does anyone else toke in THEIR growroom too? And yes I grow in my parents home so we can end that question right here before some smart guy tries to ruin the topic by asking that. Anyway yea I think all the co2 is good for them.


Well-Known Member
the bi-products of the smoke aren't good for them however. I don't smoke w/ my plants.


Well-Known Member
Damn is it bad like the gas and oil buildings and in the fields the grass never grow because of the toxic air?


Active Member
Damn is it bad like the gas and oil buildings and in the fields the grass never grow because of the toxic air?
Yes, plants can prevail under less than perfect conditions, but if you're going to take the time to grow, why not grow under optimal conditions? If it's unnecessary and harmful to the plants, don't do it.


Well-Known Member
I seldomly smoked in my grow room due to the fact that it was very difficult to breathe in there.
I kept the temperature at 80 degrees or under.
The humidity at times was around 60%
Most of all, the Co2 Ppm's were always around 1400 - 1800.

Sometimes when I would be in my grow room for more than 30 minutes, I'd start to feel light headed.

I always thought of my grow room like my lab.
I always washed my hands before handling anything inside.
Plus, I always changed into clean clothes preferably shorts and a T-shirt.


Active Member
I always thought of my grow room like my lab.
I always washed my hands before handling anything inside.
Plus, I always changed into clean clothes preferably shorts and a T-shirt.

i grow out doors but if i was indoors i would be the exact same way, my boss is too


Well-Known Member
Wow ok so no one tokes in there grow room that was a big surprise lol. what are you guys point dexters or something haha. just kidding of course and louis your never funny. ever


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. I think i'm fuckin halarious. The +rep I got for that comment differs as well. (Thanks Charf!)


Well-Known Member
and louis your never funny. ever
I disagree....
I think Louise is actually a very funny guy. He's made me laugh a few times.
Id rep him again but I need to spread some love around first.

Your poor buds are just sitting there like "damn they just smoked bob ... I think we might be next" :leaf:
haha, thats funny enough to be a quote.
And for your 4th post, congratulations :clap: