Do you train/top your autos?

Do not top. It will HORRIBLY impact yield.

Only LST. I am currently doing a microgrow with a TS1000 and 2 autos.

As well as 10 autos in 1.5gl pots in a 4x8. I am only going to LST going forward. ive never pulled more than 2oz from an auto and ive always topped. Don't top them lol20210314_193616.jpg
Please go to the auto section and look for the growers that CLEARLY have experience with them. You can top autos just the same as phitos with no slow down. Don't take advice from those that just plant a few autos along side their photos.
Are you one of those experienced growers?
Im on my 3rd auto grow and from what I've learned is it's a gamble and usually an unnecessary one (especially with fast buds) some genetics respond very well to it , others not so much but usually it's far better just to aggressively LST to your pots edges and really get as much photosynthesis going as you can .
Im on my 3rd auto grow and from what I've learned is it's a gamble and usually an unnecessary one (especially with fast buds) some genetics respond very well to it , others not so much but usually it's far better just to aggressively LST to your pots edges and really get as much photosynthesis going as you can .
Yep exactly. You can get the same or better results with LST so why take the risk
I top everything (auto & photo) to maintain a bonzai style..... Ignoring yeild and attending to health is my only goal. When you're perpetual for over 15 years, that stuff works it way out....
I've grown some amazing structured autos with LST only.

Also as stated above you can top them if healthy. Issue is that many first time growers and people with little or poor experience try it. They get poor results and blame the topping method and not their lack of skill.
As long as your plant is healthy topping isn’t an issue. Like mentioned above. Be careful who you take advice from on here. Some of these guys plants look terrible and shouldn’t be giving advice.

Topping and training will help you get the most out of your auto.
Whoosh that's pretty elitist while I agree some people are totally talking out their asses you shouldn't discount any info you hear until you prove it yourself but what do i know I'm just someone that got 3+ ounces off of every auto on his very 1st grow totally making up his own organic dry amendment schedule(and god knows I could've done so much better)


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Whoosh that's pretty elitist while I agree some people are totally talking out their asses you shouldn't discount any info you hear until you prove it yourself but what do i know I'm just someone that got 3+ ounces off of every auto on his very 1st grow totally making up his own organic dry amendment schedule(and god knows I could've done so much better)
It's not elitist at all, it's the truth. Nothing he said was incorrect. Where's the issue with what he said?
Topping can really help if you're managing space in a micro grow for example. In that situation you'll improve yield by filling out the space.

Whether it affects yield if space is not a challenge is not black and white as every plant grows differently, but generally I haven't seen any stunting with healthy plants, so would advocate for topping.
It's not elitist at all, it's the truth. Nothing he said was incorrect. Where's the issue with what he said?
By saying not to listen to people without giving actual proof of what they are saying is incorrect suggests that there is a leaning to only listen to people with only big beautiful plants thus leaning towards elitism and I didn't say he was wrong just to not offhand ignore people
By saying not to listen to people without giving actual proof of what they are saying is incorrect suggests that there is a leaning to only listen to people with only big beautiful plants thus leaning towards elitism and I didn't say he was wrong just to not offhand ignore people
He simply stated don't listen to people that grow shitty plants. Why would you? If they can't manage their own plant why would you do what they say?

Listening to people who actually know how to grow "big beautiful plants" is smart, not elitism.
Lst on fast buds strawberry pie.
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Top one and not another. Make up your own mind on whether or not it works. I don't see a point in topping an auto. Just bend it over and put a net on it.