Dodgy Companies with links


Well-Known Member
We all have had issues with companies when supplying products or the lies they spin to sell a product, some companies are run by spin doctors - products that are sold as top end only to find they are cheap rubbish, warranties are not stood by and paid reviews .. Using others info as there own.

One thing that irates me is someone that says they designed and built something they had nothing to do with it - resellers are the worst buy cheap sell high..

Lets keep things civil and stick to facts ----
A bit off topic, but with all these rebrands these days, People trash places like eBay and AliExpress, but the real scalpers are hydro shops plain and simple. Mars hydro TS 1000 lights go for around $150 AUD here on eBay. Local shops want around $300 or up for a TS1000.

I got my 200w quantum board for $199 AUD from Kogan, and the 100w boards for $99. Same light (rebranded 436/218 diode lm301b/Meanwell hlg driver, are everywhere right now) was $699 or $399 at local shops. My exhaust fan $30 off eBay, same fan with a different name, $70 at local shops.

I've gone nothing but shady sites like AliExpress and eBay now for years with zero regret, you just need to know what your purchasing first. The real scalpers are retail shops here in AUS.

I've never had a warranty claim fall through with these sites either. The only warranty claim I've ever had fall through was from a legit shop, and they wouldn't accept the light under RMA as the sticker peeled off from heat.