Does a plant continue to ripen in dark period??

can anyone answer this??

just asking because most of the plant is ripe, just wondering if i should wait a couple more days b4 putting it in the dark?


Wait until your trichomes have reached the desired maturity (e.g. milky for cerebral/head high or amber for couchlock) then throw them in the dark before harvest so they become more potent. 24-72 hours should be suffice. This is a method many people practice because the plant builds up THC resins during the off photoperiods, whereas during the day THC potency is reduced. Hope this helps mate!

*Sorry I'm stoned had to edit something :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yes some people says it doesnt make a difference some people swear by it. when your trichs are half milky (head high) and half amber (couchlock. they say to throw it in 24 to 48 hr dark time. it tells the plant that its dying and it uses up all available resources stored in the plant. did u flush already? if u didnt you should have