Does adding cannabis oil to your roots cause a higher THC concentration in the plant?


Active Member
that doesn't sound like a good idea (you should just smoke it)... so i'm pretty sure the answer is no
your best bet for high THC is to use good soil, good lights and a good diet


Active Member
The roots probably would not absorb the oil until it is first broken down into its basic elements... Not sure how long that would take, but my guess is those elements would not promote thc production and would be a waste of oil.

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
From what I know... THC is dictated by the genetic potential of the plant, how well you grow the plant to it's potential and harvesting at the correct period (and of course the curing process)
Of the 3, imo harvesting correctly is the most important.
The thread below which you should have sought out first explains what the plant is doing on a chemical level, and why 'oil' would do nothing...

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
would a person get stronger or grow better from eating a person ? lol . smoking some good shit ? pass it over