Does anybody use a rechargable USB plasma lighter to smoke with?


Well-Known Member
I was about to buy a bulk pack of lighters on amazon, and started seeing the options for USB lighters they have nowadays, I've never used one, and dont think Ive seen anyone using one around me, at least not recently. They run about 15-20 bucks, but if they provide recharging and is easier to use like a push button instead of flicking (which sucks sometimes I have a wrist injury) You also have benefits of windproof from the plasma lighter part, I also use bowls quite often at home too so Im probably going to get one that is small enough to fit in pocket, size of a big zippo or something, and has a good tip that is easy to light bowls with. I've read they light about 80% compared to a regular lighter, which may actually be a benefit for smoking out of bowls, for taste, if the bowl lights just as well and relatively same amount of time.

Sometimes I take off the tip of my soldering iron and just use the ceramic heating element when my lighter dies or something, and sometimes Ive taken hits where it hasnt heat up to temp yet and the taste is amazing because Im not burning off all the terps, But it takes too long to get a hit, and sometimes wont ignite... But its a nice taste at the front of your hit, then lights up. This is another benefit of the plasma lighter, being no butane/lighter fluid and no taste added to your hit. (Or is there another taste associated with the electric plasma lighters?)

Just curious if anyone has used one, and now uses it regularly instead of a bic/butane lighter? Is it worth it to spend the 20 bucks or should I just spend that on a bulk pack of bics?

Thanks :leaf:
Bics are horrible. Buy some Colts or one of those refillable torch lighters. Or plasma if it fits your smoking habits. I think it would be pretty cool, but i dont think it would work with a bong so well. Or?
i dont mind bics tbh, and the appeal for electric was no taste from fluid. Thanks for the input though.
I got one as a freebie somewhere. Pretty cool tbh to be able to light my spliff on a windy day.

Only downside is it made a super annoying sizzle when it hits the paper. Not quite as bad as nails on a chalkboard but pretty bad. I lost it at some point, would use another free one but wouldn't pay for one if thats any help.
I got one as a freebie somewhere. Pretty cool tbh to be able to light my spliff on a windy day.

Only downside is it made a super annoying sizzle when it hits the paper. Not quite as bad as nails on a chalkboard but pretty bad. I lost it at some point, would use another free one but wouldn't pay for one if thats any help.
Thanks man, yeah thats sort of what I figured. They seem sorta gimmicky but I wasnt sure if someone used one regularly.

Definitely helps though, thanks for the input... I might give one a shot at 12-15 bucks, Will update if I do. I forget which ones I were looking at the other day but there were some that seemed like they could hold up, I mainly smoke cigs all day, bowls from a spoon nowadays and tons of joints and blunts mainly. So would like something that I can light a bowl with, but I doubt they would be much trouble no matter which one Id get.

The sizzle sound thing is actually really helpful bc for some reason texture/feeling/sounds do sometimes drive me crazy, Like I cant touch that short "weave" felt decorative paper/lining stuff..but I could scratch a chalkboard myself no problem... So that actually concerns me now, it would be a random thing like that which would drive me nuts. :wall:
I found an atomic lighter a while back. Its really not practical for cannabis other than the novelty factor. The diodes or whatever they are called are too close together to fit a joint or cigarette in, you have to light just the edge of your joint and then fuss with it to get it burning evenly all the way around. Next to impossible to use for smoking bowls.
I use a hand held butane torch. Cost like 7$ from harbor freight. Works great until I want to rip bowls from my hand held piece, my fingers get in the way. But for concentrate it's outstanding.
I usually carry two because I hate reaching into my pocket, (esp. when holding something and think my lighter is in my right pocket, so I move everything to my left hand, then its in my left pocket... ) Also I hate running out.. but Ive never thought to look for the fluid really, I always give it a shake and can tell how much is left depending how much air/liq there is left. Thats funny someone else grabs white lighters for that reason... I usually am the only one that buys white lighters that I know, mostly because Ive met tons of superstitious people who hate white lighters (therefor lower odds of being "bic'd"/stolen) Never heard the reason to check fluid though thats interesting.

As for the torch pipes, usually if I bring my bowl to work, it fits in a small case I have, so its a 3.5 inch or less little spoon just for convenience sake and that probably wouldnt work out well for my fingers.

Ah well, thanks for the input everybody.