Does anyone here grow with gai green living soil?


Im a newbie to using gai green living soil and could use some pointers.

I plan on using their dry amendments too.

If anyone has a recipe I could really use it.

My last run was with ff happy frog with gai green dry amendments and it went well. I thought I'd try something different this time though so I picked up some more gai green their dry amendments and living soil but, can't find much for recipes.

I was planning on using recharge, silica and fish shit too unless it doesn't make sense for some reason.

Thanks in advance!
I feel like with most of the dry organic fertilizer blends like Gaia Green, you're good to just follow the manufacturer's directions for potted or container plants. For their 444 and 284 they recommend 3 tbsp per gallon in your initial mix, then top-dressing 1 tbsp per gallon once per month.

The living soil says it's "pre-charged," so you might want to just plant straight into that and start top-dressing after a month. KISS
Yeah, what they said.

Use the silica every time you water.

And once a week use Recharge or Fish Stuff or some combination to keep your soil microbes working.
Im trying the
2-8-6 for the first time, in Promix BX

I also added Azomite, and Fulvic Acid, every 5-6th watering. Soaked seeds in Fulvic Acid.

But, they are still in Solo Cups-18oz, and will go into larger containers Monday-Tuesday.

While in Solo Cups, I added 1 Level TSP per Solo Cup, and 1/2 TSP Azomite, 10 days after they popped up, from the medium. I also didnt cut the medium short in the cups. I didnt pack it, but, I made sure, it didnt just get put in, with no thought to keeping amounts consistent from 1 cup to the next.
Azomite us a great source of micros, along with Kelp, but, I was afraid to use any extra, because of too much K, and the Gaia Green, already does contain Kelp.
They are growing great as is, and showing no signs of deficiencies, but need to get out of the solo cups.
I will also follow, the above directions for use, of said products. I figured 1 tsp in the Solo Cups, as per amount of 3 TBLSP per gallon soil. So I just reduced it, to about 16oz. It seems like it has been more than close enough.
I also add Epsom Salts-RO water at 1 Level TSP Gallon water, and use every watering.
Coconut water and aloe are cheap easy organic additives for anyone starting with living soil. Just blend an aloe leaf or two with a half or full can of coconut water and mix it up in the blender. I seem to remember the recommended dose is 25-50 ml per gallon. I’ve used at much higher doses just to see what would happen and didn’t notice anything but good results. Fish hydrolysate is a good one to have around for a quick fix as well.