Does anyone know where to find this letter/speech warning Spartans about Athenian men?


Active Member
I can't find it for the life of me. I remember reading it in high school. It was like in a book/collection of some of the best letter/speeches of all time. It was like a warning to Sparta about Athenian men, or maybe Athens more in general, I think encouraging them not to go to war with Athens. The thrust of it was something along the lines of, while the Athenian men may not be your equal on the battlefield, they are enterprising, etc. and will find a way to win. But it read awesomely.

Anyone have any idea? When I google all I can find is speech by Pericles, which does not seem to deal with this.

Thanks for any help!!!
I can't find it for the life of me. I remember reading it in high school. It was like in a book/collection of some of the best letter/speeches of all time. It was like a warning to Sparta about Athenian men, or maybe Athens more in general, I think encouraging them not to go to war with Athens. The thrust of it was something along the lines of, while the Athenian men may not be your equal on the battlefield, they are enterprising, etc. and will find a way to win. But it read awesomely.

Anyone have any idea? When I google all I can find is speech by Pericles, which does not seem to deal with this.

Thanks for any help!!!
Do you mean Alcibiades speech to the Spartans recorded by Thucydides?
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Thank you so much curious2garden, I downloaded that and read it, and while that is interesting as hell (at one point Alcibiades talks about conquering Italy and Carthage lol), I don't think that it is it. It, or at least the excerpt I saw in a book I saw in high school that had multiple great speeches of history, was very short, and it was just telling someone, I think the Spartans, not to underestimate the Athenians, for their, can't think of the right word - but ambitious, capitalistic nature, their will to overcome and prosper, was unprecedented. Something like that. MAN I wish I could find it! :(