Does anyone remember (or own) an "Isolator"?


Well-Known Member
Remember those things? They looked like an old wheel balancer with a Tesla coil attached to the top! They used to be sold in High Times Magazine. They were quite expensive and no one really knew how they worked from the little information that ws given in the ads for them. But I figure someone might have one or at least remember them enough to chime in on this discussion.

My best guess is that you put some weed and isopropyl alcohol in it and then it did something....? And at the end of it, you got some kind of extract. I've never seen anything that was made in one of them, though. I'd be curious!
You mean an 'isomerizer'.
The mystery machine of the 70s.
No loger necessary.
Now you can buy a rig built for weed that sits on your kitchen table and completes the process without help. Just choose your oil and Voila!
Remember those things? They looked like an old wheel balancer with a Tesla coil attached to the top! They used to be sold in High Times Magazine. They were quite expensive and no one really knew how they worked from the little information that ws given in the ads for them. But I figure someone might have one or at least remember them enough to chime in on this discussion.

My best guess is that you put some weed and isopropyl alcohol in it and then it did something....? And at the end of it, you got some kind of extract. I've never seen anything that was made in one of them, though. I'd be curious!
That was D Golds ISO-2. We tested his ISO-3 and 4, but not the 2.

ISO4 is out? Cool!
had a chance to get a test unit (-3) at a real good price a week years ago, but life landed right on top of the opportunity. Too bad. Regretted it ever since.
My buddy had one back in the late 70s. He made concentrate from trim from an outside grow of ours. I think h e bought it at the cupboard in Cincy. He made hash oil. Tasted like alcohol. We ended up parting ways due to work changes.

Here's a link about an isomerizer. I think it sold. But did u see the price on that thing? $2500!!! WOW. Oh, if my use of code tags is not authorized please correct, with my apologies. I couldn't find a way to post a link that wasn't active, and haven't read up on all RIU's rules yet if active links are allowed. This is still my first 24 hours so far.

Boy I love this board. You all seem to have infinite info and experience. If i only had the "like" button. Oh well, i will in time, from what i've read in Rules.

Can anyone explain HOW it works?
How it works might be explained here:

I saw one back in the 60s or 70 one time. I had no idea what it was other than they said it'd make oil. Hell i never had oil until the late 70s. And I found a bunch of other links about them too. Here's one more from utoob:
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