Does Attitude reship if they get a package sent back?


Active Member
ok well my package was sent back. heres why. my parents have moved in for a while and since i work normally my packages just get left or i get a notice to come pick it up. Now that she is home so answers the door and says no so and so doesnt live here. i used a fake name 9shouldnt have done that i no) so i get home and wonder i ask her and she tell me what happen. now it got sent back. and was wondering if attitude can re-ship it? i will pay shipping again if needed. any advice?


Active Member
im 21 my parents house hada fire from the fridge and electrical fire and the house burned down. so they came to live with me. after all they did raise me.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Contact Attitude, tell them your story and to expect the package being returned. Then see what options they offer you. We all can say this or that, but the Attitude will be making what ever decisions.


Active Member
yea i hope they are able to reship with my real name honestly 14 bucks is better then paying for a whole nother shipment. thanks for the help =)