Does Barnies LSD Turn Colour When They Start To Rippen Near The end Of Budding?


Hello All
As you can see I am new to the site.
I have a question or 2.
Do the clear hairs on the Barnies LSD turn colour when they start to rippen?
Like most other plants do. Red, Brown etc.
I have a Barnies LSD budding right now under 450 watts of HPS.
It will be 8 weeks budding this Friday May 21 st.
It sure does look nice. All Fem no herm.
Also this plant is only supposed to grow 50 to 60 Centimeters tops. Thats about 24 inches.
Well mine is at 42 inches. Started budding it when it reached 18 inches.
60 to 65 days for budding apperantly. Well it is almost that long now and no colour change in hairs.
Will the hairs change colour? Asking this so I will no when to harvest. I want them CBDs & CBNs. I don't want just pure THC.
No good for you pure THC.

I am experienced at this. I just have never seen budds not change colour before when ready to harvest. Is this normal for the LSD?

Thanks for any help.


I guess it is the pistols / the hairs

The tricromes, Is that the tip of the pistals? Like a little ball.

The pistols/hairs are now starting to change.
But they are a very light brown. Not dark like I am used to seeing.
I have too look at them through my mag glass to see the colour change.
Not sure what power it is though. But it is pretty good.

Thanks for respone.


Well-Known Member
the tricomes are the crystals on your nugs man, you want to harvest when they are mostly cloudy this is the only real way to tell when your bud is ripe. different strains have different colored pistols. the only real way to tell is the tricomes though. different stages will give you diferent highs too. dont jst listen to me though, do your research man. find out what suits you best


OK Thanks

I am taking a shot in the dark. But I gather Nugs are the buds.
And the tricomes are the hairs that make the buds. I don't know your lingo too well.
They are clear and straight.
Am I write?


Well-Known Member
yeah nugs are buds. the tricomes are the crystals you see on the buds, they glitter in the sun. thats where the thc cmes from. the pistols are the little white hairs that come out of your buds and eventually turn orange or brown


Thanks for the help on the lingo.
I tried something yesterday. I noticed with other plants when I pulled them out of the grow room and put them under just the house lights. I can see that most of the hairs have turned a light brown. In regular house lights. Under HPS it is hard to see the change. So I harvested my LSD. About 90% ripe. I dried a bit out quickly by putting it in a staneless steal bowl and put it over my lamp to dry. Just some smaller buds. This plant gives some nice big buds and the tops are beautiful. Sorry no picks. I won't post them. I even hate talking like this here but I wasn't sure what to do. Not sure what to say about the buzz because I have been stoned all day from some other shit I have. So I will try it out again first thing the next time I wake up. First buzz is the best buzz of the day.

Can someone tell me how safe it is to be doing this here. Because it wouldn't take much for the law to come to these sites and do some hacking to find people IPs and mabey other info. I could be wrong. It's just a thought.
The reason I say this is because I used to be a sattlelite TV hacker for DTV, Dishnet and Bell. I didn't work for them. I hacked there TV. I used to have my own site. You never know who your members could be and people have been busted because of websites and the Law getting info. Not trying to scare anyone. But I have seen it first hand. Even some site owners turned people in. I used to be right into that stuff and read everything I could find about it. Anyway enough of that. Thanks for the responce sk8disgruntled and take care.



Well-Known Member
yeah it kinda freaks me out too. i dont post pictures or do journals or anything on hear anyway. but its a great site for finding information and i like reading other people journals to learn from their mistakes. i dont think the law cares too much about the small time growers on this site any way. the big boys dont post on this site and if they do they dont post pictures of their large scale grows. most peoples grows on hear are to small to worry about. the law doesnt care about a few pounds hear and there, they want the 100 pound + busts.


I almost forgot.

I triied the LSD when I got up and it was pretty good from the bud I smoked off it. Also has a different smell to it. I have never smelled before. Smoked or fresh. I have never smelled anything like it before. Can't waite for it to dry so I can try the tops.
Doesn't seem to be as much THS as what they say. I have this other plant Wonderwoman. You should see the THC that comes out on that. I get hash off my fingers after just trimming the extra leaves off before I hang it for 24 HRs.