does CFL produce fluffy buds?


Active Member
hey guys i am new on I have a few questions about cfls
and one of my main questions is if the buds will become fluffy or dense buds


Well-Known Member
cfl's can produce fluffy buds, they can also produce dense buds
get them close to the bud, and it will be dense, but that makes it difficult to cover larger plants
cfl bud quality can be very good


Active Member
thank you very much growone!

if i were to use more lights on larger plants will be it better?
right now i have 5 cfl 5200ks and i was wondering if i should go about 2more? to produce more light?


Well-Known Member
the usual answer is 'more is better', bigger plants can really suck up cfl's
which ends up getting expensive, or least no cheaper than HID setups
the very rough rule of thumb is 50 watts per square foot, maybe a bit more for cfl's
but eventually heat can become the main issue, there's a limit to any lighting where more becomes too hot


Well-Known Member
Pkush: What are you comparing them to? If its buds flowered under MH or HPS you might be disappointed. From seed to harvest I grow exclusively under T-5's and I keep them real close. My buds aren't as dense as those grown by my friends using MH or HPS but I don't want their electricity bills. Mine will probably never make it to the centerfold of "HIGH TIMES," but mine work just as well in relieving my arthritis pain and mine taste a lot better. But that can be a whole variety of things besides lighting. I hope this helps. HSA

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
CFL's - At least 100 real watts per plant, and at least an additional 50 real watts per additional plant.

Use a mix of light for a fuller spectrum. Flower, use a 3:1 ratio of 2700K to 6500K bulbs. Veg is the other way around.

I've vegged and flowered under CFL's, I'm very happy with what comes out of veg, no so much with flower.

So, I'm still vegging with the CFL's that I get from the grocery store, but I've upgraded my flower to HID. 1200W HPS and 400W MH. Getting great results.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its more dependant on strain! At least that's how my first grow was. Charlie sheen crack was pretty fluffy, moby dick was kinda dense but the purp bagseed I grew was just as dense as any HPS buds I've seen!


Well-Known Member
CFL's produce airy buds. Don't fool yourself, you won't be seeing any rock hard nuggs with these lights.

I reached my limit with my last T8 grow. Vegged for 50 something days. Awesome harvest but still, not enough yield however to get me through past the next harvest...

Finally went HID and never looked back!