does growing cannabis mean anything more to you than the end result?


Well-Known Member
First of all I'm sorry if this thread has already been done before. My question is simple, do you grow for any other reason than the final result? Growing is much more to me than that. My past has been rough and rocky to say the least and to an extent I'm filled with hate because of it but growing things helps with that, I feel a little happier making something grow, not just cannabis but anything. I feel more connected to nature and proud I guess. For me it's the whole journey and not just the destination and it heals me in more than one way, I think if your only doing it for the buds at the end and hate the entire process other than that your missing half the joy. But what say you riu? Sorry if I sound a little crazy I suppose I am lol.


Active Member
I feel the same way, growing brings out my inner nuturer LOL. It is a hobby I truely enjoy and do not get tired of. After the boat, motorcycle, and other hobbies are played out for me I'll still be here watching my plants smiling.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I love the end result but watching them grow knowing your the one they owe their survival to is amazing, when they look healthy and happy I feel healthy and happy I should of been a cannabis plant. Oh well maybe in the next life.:lol:


Well-Known Member
For me, the end result is what it's all about. I wish I could say I'm as passionate about growing tomatoes or coriander as I am about growing cannabis, but the truth is that most of my house plants are seriously neglected.

I do get, however, a huge sense of primal satisfaction when seeing a seed develop into a flowering plant. It's an incredible example of one of the many wonders of nature.


Active Member
First of all I'm sorry if this thread has already been done before. My question is simple, do you grow for any other reason than the final result? Growing is much more to me than that. My past has been rough and rocky to say the least and to an extent I'm filled with hate because of it but growing things helps with that, I feel a little happier making something grow, not just cannabis but anything. I feel more connected to nature and proud I guess. For me it's the whole journey and not just the destination and it heals me in more than one way, I think if your only doing it for the buds at the end and hate the entire process other than that your missing half the joy. But what say you riu? Sorry if I sound a little crazy I suppose I am lol.
i am pretty sure i know what you mean. i love planting and watching things grow and feeding it taking care of it almost as if a child or pet. i love working in dirt i feel so in touch with nature. it is truly amazing to watch the cycles of different plants...we live on wooded acreage and we walk in woods alot and we are totally is NEVER the same. we walk same trail every day and it is different-buds change and flowers bloom and not and turn colors etc. always different never boring NEVER we are so entertained around here. yes we enjoy the entire grow


Well-Known Member
Ya i grow cuz its fun also but love end product ;)
Also sometimes when i need to think i can just sit in the grow room and have the doors open and just stare at the plants like u yould a fire idk y but i find it relaxing watching my lil plants shake in the wind its just peacful and my gf gets mad anytimr i.just try to sit n watch my plants


Well-Known Member
i love every single day of it. i love escaping the real world to the privacy and solitude of my laboratory. i guess the end result is cool too.


Well-Known Member
For me the journey is what makes the destination special, and the destination is what makes the journey fun...unless you get mold or bugz or nutrient deficiency but even then your still learning...and learning what not to do is always more powerful then being taught what to do....


Well-Known Member
I have been into gardening since I was about 9 or so.. I like our short winter here (1-2 mo's max) and feel kinda bummed when I am not outside putzing about doing something out there.. I dislike the trimming portion of growing that is about all.. and that mainly due to R.A, but I deal with it.. I think people who enjoy gardening are more "in tune?" with other things..


Well-Known Member
Where I live we have 32 acres and I know exactly what you mean, so beautiful at all times of the year especially spring and summer lol. I log and I work at a butcher shop sometimes and I mostly destroy, its kinda nice to actually give something to the world every once and awhile at least, and please don't freak out because I cut trees down, if done responsibly it can actually help the environment and be a sustainable resource for many generations to come


Ursus marijanus
For me, the need for secrecy offsets the pleasures of growing. I feel relief when i break the tent down for the summer off season. cn


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong I love the bud, and corn and whatever else I grow in the garden but the journey is still the key part of it for me I believe


Well-Known Member
For me, the need for secrecy offsets the pleasures of growing. I feel relief when i break the tent down for the summer off season. cn
I was going to start a thread about this. I was just talking about how its nice to relax for a bit.


Ursus marijanus
I was going to start a thread about this. Iwas just talking abiut how its nice to relax for a bit.
I would really like to be more relaxed about my grows. However i am in a rented place, and my family seriously disapproves of weed. i have no standing to change that because I ran our marriage aground on the shoals of a drug addiction. cn


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the addiction, hopefully you're past it now. Cannabis has helped me reign in an alcohol problem.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes growing cannabis means much more to me then the end product. It means a medicine that I grew with my own 2 hands, so I know exactly what went into her. I love watching plants grow and I love gardening. I grew up on a farm and gardening with my grandma on summer days. This plant is much more than a plant to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh and congrats on being clean bear, I know exactly what you mean. I've been in and out of treatment centers ever since 16 and struggled with addiction my whole life. But I'm glad to say that I have been clean for a little over 2 years now. I just wish it wouldn't of taken an OD from meth to do that.


Well-Known Member
For me it's more of a lifestyle choice due to the community here and circle of friends I move with. It would no way be as much fun for me in illegal London. Nor would it be possible for me to know the people I do.