Does it need Transplant?


Well-Known Member
Hi, a picuture of one of my plants and its roots. Looking at the bottom id guess "gogo transplant" but all the soil on the side of the pot is lacking that rootmass. So id guess it still has plenty of space to spread. Should I wait with transplanting or might it already beeing hindered to grow at its highest possible Speed?



Well-Known Member
Hi, a picuture of one of my plants and its roots. Looking at the bottom id guess "gogo transplant" but all the soil on the side of the pot is lacking that rootmass. So id guess it still has plenty of space to spread. Should I wait with transplanting or might it already beeing hindered to grow at its highest possible Speed?
roots grow mostly downward so the bottom is what matters most and what your looking at. side roots dont matter quite as much and they dont get root bound until the bottom is already root bound. your roots look health and are not root bound yet but a transplant wouldnt hurt. you can wait a couple more weeks if you want though.


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd transplant but agree w/drolove, it won't hurt to wait. When it's drying out in 48 hours or less I transplant for sure.


Well-Known Member
agree, I also like to do as Aim, repot when they dry out to fast (of course also depend on your temps/RH aso)

and I don't like to go with a too big Pot`s either, need to be able to dry out in less then a week or it in risk of getting "overwatered" a small seedling in a hugh pot and your kind a asking for problems unless your skillful, experience, and very careful watering it until it have develop a prober root net

I like to do a few repots along the way doing Veg and a last one a week or so before I plan to go 12/12 also make em take off faster after a repot if the pot is`t to big IME


Well-Known Member
I go from solo cup, to 1g pots, then to 5g for final. Agree 100% it needs to dry in a week, preferably like 4 days when tiny. At about a week old I water them from below while in the solo cups.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all of you. I watered last time on friday, because its pretty dry now i took it out of the pot. I have two Options transplant into Little bigger pot or a much bigger one. But with the big pot i wanted to wait untill i know their sex from vegging them Long enough to Show preflowers- because my space is limited. I guess ill put them in a Little bigger pot , or would you think it would not be worth it? Also, has someone of you tested those "Airpots"?


Well-Known Member
if you want to Veg em to maturity I would go for the "little" bigger pot, and veg em a few more week`s once they show sex repot em in to the biggest pot and flip the light a week later (5 day`s will do)

and yes I did try em out, they work, well I mean for a pot, nothing special IMO and is a pain in the *** to water (and yes I did turn the right side out, but once the top soil is a bit dry it find its way to the first hole`s and spil out there (my 4 air pot`s is now in the basement and Im back to normal square plastic pot`s, I rather look for grow Bag`s if I where you)


Well-Known Member
Thx, cool so ill stay with normal pots, also they cost much less in all sizes ;-) why would you use a grow bag if you were me? Im Indoors too, would there be not the same Problem with watering?


Well-Known Member
if I should use somethings els then normal square plastic pot`s I would look in to grow bag`s, rather then air pot`s based on my experience and what I have seen other Ppl. get from the grow bag`s

but as I said, normal plastic pot`s work just fine, make sure the drain hole`s are open/free and it got plenty, beside that its just a mater of a medium that drain well, perlite, coco, clay pellet aso can help with that, a too compact soil keep em wet for to long and can curse problems like over watering that actually is lack of oxygen in the medium that lead to root rot, MJ like a light and airy medium that drain well and dry out in less then a week but still able to keep moist enough for a few day`s (I like it when I have to water every 2-4 day`s)


Well-Known Member
If it is speed you want leave her in that pot. If you TP now she will waste time growing roots to the inside of the bigger pot. As long as roots are growing out you won't see much growth aboveground. The size of the rootball determines the size of the plant, partially. If you want a 6-footer TP now. If speed is important, leave her alone. BigSteve.