does jungle juice get good yields?


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious as im using sensi series ph perfect on conno ph perfect and am using coco and was wondering what you guys think about jungle juice as water coco everyday will be sucking up my nutes pretty fast especially when they hit larger containers


New Member
Of course you can achieve decent yields with jungle juice , its nothing but a simple base for beginners and those who care to not spend a fortune . It was also compared and based upon General Hydroponics 3 part and it can be used for the lucas formula as well . Do use a cal/mag supplement in coco , I would add 5 ml to a gallon with every feed ......PotSnob


Well-Known Member
yup 5ml calmag per gallon been using sensi grow with b52 and some jungle juice root mass in solo cups almost took up entire cup all you could see was roots having good results with the ph perfect series in coco wouldn't recommend using with soil base mix like ocean forest tho