Does longer veg equal longer flower??


Well-Known Member
What's up RIU, just curious does veg time have anything to do with flower time? Meaning if u were to veg for 4 weeks would the flower time be the same as say an 8 week veg? My thinking is that the longer veg would take longer to flower because it would be bigger with more to flower.. So am I crazy for thinking that or not ?? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply.. A buddy of mine said that they would prolly take longer to flower cuz of a longer veg.. I new at all this so I don't no for sure. Btw he doesn't no much about growing that's why I asked here..


Well-Known Member
Well I am hoping for that result Greenhouse;save seems like my plants have been suspended in time in veg hoping this will produce great crop quality vs. quanity.


Well-Known Member
Dude, the longer you veg the more buds you will have. Flowering will still be what it takes normally (2 months average for indicas) I had vegged mine for a good 2-2.5 months due to quite a bit of problems. Result... Big ass jungle. My first grow was even bigger. Longer veg but saddly she was a he. :(

Edit: You could also veg for a month and put her into flowering mode. Lesser end material but quicker results. In 3.5 months from seed you can smoke that weed. This is what I am gonna do this time. Get some quick buds, chop a few clones and resume normal 4-5 month grow cycle.

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